I am hopelessly smitten with Asch alllll over again.
I'm enjoying it. I won't be in a few weeks, of course. But for now, it's kind of nice. Now take off the tabard part of your uniform so you don't look so fat.
Sorry, 5 straight episodes of the ToA anime has me on kind of a high.
Stuff didn't work out the way I wanted it to, but it still has the potential to work out SOME way. For some reason I feel more adventurous now than I did when I first had this discussion. So there's hope. ...Because that much awesome shouldn't be denied that many people.
Firefox autospellcheck needs to learn to recognize contractions.
griffins 's internet is busted at school and it's Sunday so she can't crusade for its return. I am saddened.
MOAR EDIT: ...Anyone out there do costume commissions?