On Being Constructive

Jul 17, 2008 22:02

 I hate going to the dentist. Just thought I'd clarify. I'm quite close to 21 years old, I know how to brush my teeth, miss cleaning lady.


Also, uh. I built a wall yesterday! We redid the laundry room in our house and I put up all the drywall and spackled the joints. Dad got up early today and painted, I was all mad. I wanted to paint too. But I also helped lay out the floor, so it's all cool. I feel like I accomplished something and my whole lower half never ever wants to move again.

Otakon is coming up fast and rrgh. THREE WEEKS? Yeep. Two weeks to the beach, I am so not ready. NOT. READY. But I love me some ocean and last year we nicked wireless from some-random-body, so I should have internet access right up to Thursday night, when I must abamdon the computer for the sake of my convention tour.

...IF THEY EVER EMAIL ME BACK. I emailed our club prez and special events officer (my new job next year) saying "HAI DID I MISS Z EMAILZ BOUT OTAKON?" and I have no replies yet. WTH. Griffy, I may need to do something drastic.

Vil is tired but not so tired she can fall asleep. Also very, very bored. Someone come and bother me?

philly, ocean, bored, otakon 08, friends, computer

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