On catching up

Jun 12, 2008 01:32

1. Reply to THIS post, and I will select four or five of your userpics that I like.
2. Make a entry and talk about the icons I have chosen.
3. Other people will then comment on your entry and you will do the same as I have done for you.
4. Thus creating a NEVER ENDING of icon squee.


 This is Arlin from Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana (1). Griffy made this icon, but I have it because I think Arlin is just so spiffy and not too bad to look at, either! I haven't finished the game but he's got some plot stuff going on at the moment, which promises to be even spiffier, really. Plus he's got a sword and is whoafast.

 ALLEN! I think he's adorable anyway but this icon? SO CUTE. And it has Timcanpy in it too and I have a wild obsession with Timcanpy so, yay, I love this icon. I use it whenever I need to overwhelm people with adorableness.

 Okay so, one day in AIMchat we were discussing how terrible Zuko/Mai is, and Akiko (I think) came up with this Avatar-style beast of the sea called the Jellysquid, that was SO CUTE it would come and crush all the emo from Zuko and Mai and would, incidentally, also crush them, thus ending the pairing and the problem. Then Flori drew it, and this is it! SO CUTE. I also made one from felt and stuffing, but I need to get much better at it before I put a picture on LJ, haha.

 So I was big into possible Abyss screencaps that could become icons a while back, and Jade is just spiffy, and all I have is MS Paint, so I would give the screens to my best pal Griffy and sometimes help brainstorm sayings to go on them. This screen was one of my favorites and I use this icon when INTENSE STUFF is goin' down around here, man.


 This is Allen and Tim doing chores! I have a closet love of little crazily-drawn bits of manga like this, and then someone colored this one so cutely and it's just awesome! It's my busybusy icon or one I use when I just feel like a little happy laugh. It's so adorable.

The next two are repeats: Jellysquid and Arlin.

 This is my Asch face. Someone made this in one of the Tales icon communities, and it just fits him so well! When I'm in this sort of mood and I want to make this face, this is what I use.

Yeah, sorry there aren't that many hugelong stories behind them.

friends, icons, memes

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