Just got my sensorial programming from the Minasoft company - a company Arda-renowned for its state-of-the-art software. Yes, they're paying me to say that - it's part of the discount deal I made with them: Celebrity endorsements.
Now that it's installed, I'll finally be able to interract with the rest of the inhabitants of Arda.
Wish me luck. :D
And now for something completely different...
1: decavilyator (deca-vilya-ator). one that acts in the manner of ten vilya.
I'd like to see the one who can act just like one of me; there's no one out there that can act like ten of me. *smug look*
2: thermvilya (therm-vilya). heat of vilya
There was plenty of that during my upgrade. Thankfully, Elven metal's the durable sort. *g*
3: decavilya (deca-vilya). ten vilya
They don't need ten of me; one's good enough for everyone.
4: circumvilya (circum-vilya). around vilya
That refers to all that surrounds me. Like petty mortals for instance.
((His ego just went up five notches with that definition... *sigh*))
5: vilyameter (vilya-meter). device for measuring vilya
And that dohickey tickles too. *laughs*
6: provilya (pro-vilya). supporting or favoring vilya
I *like* this one!!!
7: polyvilyaitis (poly-vilya-itis). inflammation or disease of more than one or excessive vilya
There's no such thing as "excessive Vilya" - no one can get enough of me.
8: bonvilyascope (bon-vilya-scope). instrument for viewing or measuring good vilya
Note: EVERYTHING about me is "good".
((Ego increase: Three notches.))
9: acrovilya (acro-vilya). top, tip or end vilya
That end is where the brains go. *g*
10: vilyaless (vilya-less). without vilya
Arda without me around.
11: undervilya (under-vilya). beneath or below vilya
As a Ring of Power, EVERYTHING is beneath me, save for the other Rings of Power - who are my only equals in this world.
12: vilyaoid (vilya-oid). having the appearance of vilya
In other words, a Vilya clone.
13: vilyability (vilya-ability). inclination or suitability for vilya
That's right. Everything has to be suitable for me.
((Three more notches.))
14: disvilya (dis-vilya). not vilya
There's me, and then there's everyone else. *smug look*
15: magvilyametric (mag-vilya-metric). relating to measurement of great vilya
And everything about me is "great".
16: vilyaization (vilya-ization). process or result of doing or making vilya
But they won't do that; there's only going to be ONE of me around at any one time in all of Arda.
((Thank Eru...))
17: bivilya (bi-vilya). two vilya
Double your pleasure; double your fun.
18: vilyaible (vilya-ible). capable or worthy of vilya
*very smug grin*
19: electrovilya (electro-vilya). electric vilya
That actually happened during my upgrade; "electric Vilya"...
20: disvilya (dis-vilya). not vilya
Which is what everyone else is, and doesn't want to be...
((Six more notches...))
21: hemivilya (hemi-vilya). half vilya
Everyone else wishes they'd at least be able to reach that level...
((Two more notches...))
22: vilyaular (vilya-ular). relating to or resembling vilya
I'd better put a trademark out on my looks; else there'll be a lot of look-alikes running about...
((*watches the "ego meter" break from the strain*))
23: holovilyaosis (holo-vilya-osis). abnormal condition or process of whole vilya
HEY!!! NOTHING about me is "abnormal"!!!
((With the possible exception of your ego size...))
24: antevilya (ante-vilya). before vilya
Arda before I was made. A very sad time it was too from what I heard.
((What you wanted to hear you mean...))
25: Endovilyalogy (endo-vilya-logy). science, theory or study of within vilya
Anybody willing to do a little "research"? Ehehehehe
This site is where I got this stuff from (found it off of
Her Divine Shadow's LJ - sorry if I don't remember your name; it's pretty much the case with 95% of the muns here...) - you can use it too to find new words using your name. :)