In no particular order:
Last night I lay down for a quick hour nap at 7:30. I got up at 6:45 in the morning when my alarm went off. Quite odd, but I *do* feel better rested than I have in some time. Good thing I've stopped doing Dynamis though (though I wonder if Kis ever bothered checking his PMs to find out that I told him about that), would've slept right through it otherwise.
Gonna need to rearrange my intended exercise schedule a bit, got through today's group of exercises relatively quickly. (We've moved on from "learn about exercises" to "now that you know, pick out an exercise program for yourself and go do it for the rest of the class".) Also need to learn more tricep exercises (I was sick that day), and refresh my memory on some more back and lower back exercises.
Also need to investigate some sort of relatively easy abdominal exercises I can do, to get myself up to the point of being able to stomach (harhar pun) the full (and difficult) set that he taught us last Friday. Which is 10 minutes of continual bloody murder, I'm still sore from it today. And furthermore I wasn't strong enough to do it even remotely resembling correctly - and so I think I pulled my neck too (though that's not sore any more).
The cookie jar at work is empty. It is also the nemesis of my exercise program, and it currently has the upper hand.
I want to go see Transformers after work some day this week.
I want to go read Harry Potter 7 (the real name of which I keep forgetting), but suspect that'll involve either a. going to the book store after release, and discovering they're out of stock for the next few weeks or b. (more likely) borrowing Ellen's copy when she's done with it.
Someone remind me to tell stories of this dumbass I've had to work with on this set of cases for the last week+. There are lots of stories. They're good stories too. I'm not sure if he's stupid, ignorant, lazy, well-intentioned but unwittingly frustrating, or some combination of the above, but regardless, it sure as hell ain't making a good impression. Thankfully, he's with some other business and isn't a new hire here, so when these cases are over, I don't have to deal with him any more. I hope.
BLU is fun. I want a Voyager Sallet. That'll be annoying to set up. Welk's never on and Elei's lazy or afk when he's not complaining about being bored.
We don't ever seem to do Assaults any more. This is sad.
The cookie jar at work is still empty.
Limbus group is growing; KPOC and KPUC may actually be a viable possibility in future. Granted, KPUC's drops suck and he's harder to kill so I'm leaning towards back-burning him. However, Gan's in charge, so not my decision. Should be interesting to watch in any case. Growing group means fewer coins per run though, may need to buy some for Brutal.
I need new headphones. Again. Pair 1 scraped my ears to the point of bleeding, and turned me off of headphones that go around the back of the head instead of the top. Pair 2 is finicky about if you move the cord, and likes to cut out sound in one ear (I brought it in to work, where I don't move very much). Pair 3 (my current pair at home) decided to have one of its earmuff things fall off - it's still connected by a wire so the sound works, it's just not connected to the headphone arch-thing. Any recommendations? (Under $30 is preferable, though I'll go over if justified.)
I like to hop around and go pew pew in WoW. Mostly hopping around. Jumping up and down is a wonderful thing. I suspect if I ever hit level 70 I'd stop playing out of boredom. I do like seeing what I can solo, but that's rather limited by my being rather bad at the game if it's anything stronger than its usual mega-easy-mode. (Can't kite worth half a damn. Can't jump-shot. Reaction speed is horrible. Etc.)
I've successfully wasted 30 minutes of time with this rambling. And the cookie jar is still empty.