But first, because this picture is awesome:
HMPH! Turkey Day
Went home early for Thanksgiving to beat the rush and so I could go attend Trans-siberian Orchestra concert at the 'Shark Tank' (SJ arena). It was awesome with it's seizure inducing laser show/ZOMG blast-lights and hard rock Christmas-ness. Oh! And did I mention there was fire and fireworks. Yeah, there was ==> multicolor flames! I'm really glad I didn't miss it.
Turkey-day at Mike's house.
Went out to lunch with friends + Mike on Black Friday, most places were closed. We had planned on going to Bella Mia, but we ended up going to Gordon Biersch. We did our best to avoid the hysterical shopping crowd, but still managed to end up buying a really nice router (which was not on sale at all, go figure).
Tried the new Schezwan Chinese place at Cupertino village. It was good, better than the place that replaced Wolfe Cafe.
Proceeded to panic about webpage stuff that was due.
watched BSG: Razor <3333
Back to school = saaaad kitty.
Battlestar Galactica: Razor review
It was awesome. I mean, I've seen reviews where people bitched and moaned about it. I usually ignore the peanut gallery anyways so... yeah.
I'm not going to summarize this because anyone reading this has probably seen it anyways.
I liked Kendra Shaw. A lot. She had balls of steel. And her alto Aussie accent was really cool. (My only issue was with her last name, heh.). I think my fav. scene in the movie was where she was training the marines to build their rifles and Adama noting that she was meaner than Tigh.
So yes, they dropped the bomb on us, Kara = Harbinger of Death. I suppose the Bob Dylan song makes even more sense now, because 'All Along the Watchtower' was about the 4 Horsemen coming. (Wha? Methos? *snickers*)
Although, because of that tidbit, I sort of have a theory about what might happen:
Notice how "this has all happened before, this will all happen again" is continuously repeated throughout the story. Razor just tries to remind us all of this before the 4th season begins, because it is important. Now, let's say we take this saying literally and actually apply it to their situation.
There is an inkling of the 'gods and humans' situation on Kobol is a sort of parallel to whatever is happening with the 'humans and the cylons' right now.
In the beginning the gods created the humans to help them in the same way the humans created the cylons to help them. The humans rebelled and killed the gods (and Athena kills herself), the cylons rebel and kill the humans.
Now, if you look at the current story, notice how it's the humans that are running away from their ravaged homeland, toward Earth.
And then consider that there is a lot of mystery surrounding the 'legend' of the 13th colony, all we know is that they headed to Earth, really...
If you think about the parallel, it is very possible that the 13th colony may not even be a colony of humans and that the story has distorted over time. It is, in fact, very possible that the colony consists of the gods that might have run away from the humans that tried to annihilate their species. If this is true, Earth is not a safe destination.
Kara is the Harbinger of Death because she knows where Earth is, and she's going to do her best to get the remaining humans there, but it's very possible the moment they get there, the gods (or whatever they are), are going to realize this and try to exact revenge on the species that tried to kill them thousands of years ago.
This also explains why the cylons (despite not believing in the Kobol scrolls), highly encourage the prophecies to happen, because the prophecies will lead to the end of the human race. And the goal of the cylons was to get rid of the humans in the first place, despite whatever convoluted method they use.
If I'm right, the 4th season will be very interesting.
Btw, I don't want Kara to actually be a cylon because it's too obvious. I really hope, she's just another human (or maybe even a god), and that the cylons/gods are using her as pawn and she is unaware of it at the moment. In my mind, story-wise, it just flows better that way. Making her a cylon would just be a 'well duh' moment, there's no pleasant surprise, no actual build towards the climax of who the last cylon is. And as stories go, it's kind of a boring conclusion to lead into.
So, here's to hoping that Kara is not the last cylon.
Technical stuff:
I found a weird bug in vista. I was impatient so I managed to hit the hibernate button a couple of times before my computer hibernated. However, windows doesn't flush it's command buffer before it goes to sleep or something because when I restarted my computer, the moment, I entered windows, it put itself to sleep again, and I couldn't undo it until I finally manual rebooted the damn thing! Arg! Hibernate is not that difficult people! Get it right!