Drained but Aching for More (pt. 2)

Jul 23, 2008 09:26

 Rating: PG-PG13 (little bit of language and such)
Disclaimer: I do not own anyone in this story and it is COMPLETELY fictional. None of these events are true, though the story has parts that are based on true events. The only characters in this story I have "rights" to are Holly and Ben. And I know that Bam and Missy weren't married in 2004, but, it's my story and I have creative liscence. So, 'nya.
Summary: Ville and Holly have known each other since Holly was a young high school student. Ville and Holly are just now coming to the conclusion that they harbor feelings deeper than friendship for one another. This is their story. Oh, and Holly is Bam Margera's sister. (Just thought I'd mention that).
Author:  MissSixty-Nine (moi-même)

Chapitre Deux

I sped down the highway, making it to the airport just in time. I parked the Mercedes with a screeching of tires and shot out of the car, locking it on the run into the terminal to pick up Ville.
The flight from Philadelphia was just landing and I thanked God that I had made it on time. Bam would’ve killed me if I had been late to pick up his ‘boyfriend.’
I blew out a breath and brushed my sweeping bangs away from my eyes before tying my elbow length hair back into a low ponytail. I checked my diamond-encrusted watch once before sitting down in the uncomfortable foam chair behind me. I kicked up my feet and set them on the chair across from me, trying to make myself seem relaxed and confident.
In all actuality, I was all nerves. My hands were shaking violently and I was dying for a cigarette though I had quit four days before. My stomach was filled with fighting butterflies and my throat and mouth were dry as the Sahara.
The arriving flight was announced and I sat up, feet on the floor, waiting to spot Ville entering the terminal with his carry-on slung over his shoulder.
It wasn’t that I had feelings for Ville or anything, but when he was around, I was always nervous and I never seemed to say the right thing. And when the day was over, I was even more of a fool than I had been that morning.
“Holly!” I heard someone shout my name and I searched the mass of people to find the face that I recognized. The face wasn’t Ville’s, but my ex-boyfriend Drew’s.
Oh God. Was all I could think before manners overtook common sense and I started forward, arms outstretched to the six-foot-five tennis player with the blonde hair and brown eyes.
“Drew!” I hugged him briefly, wanting nothing more than to find Ville and skee-daddle back to Castle Bam. “What are you doing here?”
“Visiting Mom and Dad for their anniversary,” he shrugged, shifting his carry-on as he did. “It’s their fortieth,”
“Oh to be sure,” I smiled, giggling nervously, still searching for Ville.
He said something and I looked back to him, eyes wide.
“Sorry?” I had missed the question.
“What are you doing here?” He repeated.
“Oh, uh, picking up a friend. He’s just flown in.” At that moment someone else called my name. I turned and rolled my eyes secretly. This face wasn’t Ville’s either, but Bam’s friend Raab’s.
“Man, it’s good to see you!” Raab caught me in a bear hug and kissed me soundly before pulling away. “Who’s this?” He asked, eyeing Drew carefully.
“I’m Drew Marcetti,” Drew said, extending his hand. “I sat behind Holly in every class all through junior high and high school.”
“Oh yeah! The one Bam punched in the face for touching Holly in promiscuous ways, as he put it.” Raab nodded and I blushed, closing my eyes in embarrassment. “I remember you now.”
“Yes, well, now that we all remember each other, I’m going to be going.” Drew said, smiling at me briefly. “Holly,”
“Bye Drew,” I waved half-heartedly as he walked away and turned to glare at Raab. “You are an embarrassment to all mankind.” I said before marching away from him.
“What’d I say, Holly?” He asked, perplexed.
“You thick-headed fool!” I was about to slam my balled fist into Raab’s face when I heard a deep voice speak from behind me.
“Now, now Holly. Don’t be hitting Raabie.” I turned slowly, fist still raised, and stared as Ville Valo strolled towards me, black bag slung carelessly over his shoulder. “Hello sweetheart,”
“Don’t call me that.” I snapped, lowering my fist to my side. “I’m not your sweetheart,” I left Raab and Ville staring after me and strode away from them, luggage carousel one my destination.


“What’s got her panties in a bunch?” I asked Raab as I watched Holly stride away from the two of us.
“Beats me,” Raab said, shrugging casually. “She’s probably on her period.”


Forty-five minutes after the embarrassing scene at the airport, I was locked in my room, typing away at my newly-started novel.
My novel was about a young woman living in a house full of unreasonable idiots who didn’t know how to clean up after themselves but made the biggest messes known to man.
“Holly!” Bam shouted up the stairs. “There’s a mess in the kitchen, could you clean it up, please?”
“Yeah.” I shouted back, pushing away from my desk and iBook. I shook my head as I jogged down the stairs, not bothering to pull a shirt on over my Victoria’s Secret sports bra. I realized my mistake when I entered the kitchen and saw not only my brothers (Jess had arrived while I was at the airport), but Ville, Raab, Dunn, Ben, Tony, the members of Vains of Jenna and forty other men staring at me. My eyes grew wide and I laughed nervously, yearning desperately for a shirt of some kind.
“Hey guys,” I waved and headed to the other side of the kitchen near the fridge to clean up the puddle of beer and broken glass. Conversation had come to an abrupt halt when I entered and now the entire room was silent, all eyes on me.
“Holly,” I heard someone whisper. I stood up straight, looking towards the voice. It was Ben. He had removed his Hollister shirt and was offering it to me though it was forty feet too long (obviously an exaggeration). I cast a nervous glance at Bam and he shook his head.
“No thanks, Ben.” I waved him away and continued to mop up the beer. I wanted to take the shirt from him because all I was wearing was a pair of Jack’s sweats that were longer than my legs (even rolled up at the waist) and my bra. I wanted to cover myself up because I wasn’t as tan as I would’ve liked and really didn’t want everyone to know that I had a heartagram tattooed above my ass-crack.
“Well, if you change your mind…” he trailed off as he walked away, again looking forlorn and depressed. I could swear I heard Bam snicker as Ben left the kitchen, heading upstairs where the music was loud and bass-driven.
“Way to go Bam.” I mumbled, closing my eyes briefly. “Some friend you are!” I shouted to him, turning to look him square in the eye. “You’re not very nice to him, Bam. You should be ashamed.”
“You’re not very nice to him, either. In fact, all you want is for him to leave you alone and drop the ridiculous fantasy he has about the two of you getting married and producing forty-thousand mini-Bens!” Bam shouted back, pointing at me with the neck of his beer bottle. “You’re just like me Holly, so don’t even start lecturing me about being ashamed. You’re preaching to the choir.” Everyone seemed to take the end of his rant as their cue to start bothering me about my chosen attire.
“So, Holly, you wander around like that on a regular basis?” I heard someone shout from the back of the crowd.
“’Cause you look smokin’ with that tattoo and all!” Another shouted.
“You’ve got killer abs as well,” I heard someone say quietly. My head whipped up and I saw Ville standing next to me, smiling. My eyes grew wide and I opened and closed my mouth numerous times like a fish trying to suck in water for oxygen. I ended up tossing the mop down on the floor and sprinting up the stairs, two at a time.

( Chapter 1 )

pennsylvania, castle bam, ville hermanni valo, phil margera, holly blair margera, bam margera, april margera, finland, misssixty_nine, drained but aching for more, romance

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