Unlikely Salvation

Jul 12, 2008 04:38

Title: Unlikely Salvation
Author: Himismymorrison
Summary: After meeting July back in high school, Ville, Bam, and her become insepritable. After making a pact to always stay friends and intouch after high school, the pact is broken when they go down their own roads following their dreams. After years of not talking they all unknowingly meet back up, and realize the party life that went on in high school was nothing, and that the real party had just begun.
Rating: the whole story R. but this chapter pg 13
Disclaimer: I dont own ne body famous. I own July and the plot.
Warning: uhh none that I can think of right now... lol

http://community.livejournal.com/villevalofics/5996.html#cutid1 Ch 1
http://community.livejournal.com/villevalofics/6534.html#cutid1 Ch 2

The next day at school Ville and Bam sat inside to eat lunch with their friends. It was a Friday which meant the school was serving hamburgers, and everybody loved them. Bam spotted July in line then nudged Ville and nodded her way.

“Who’s that?” Bam's friend Ryan asked as he turned back and took a bite of his burger.

“July” Ville simply answered.

“And that is?” Ryan asked.

“A girl in our English class. She’s new.” Ville answered taking a sip of his tea.

He noticed she didn’t buy an entire lunch, just the wrapped up hamburger, and placed it in the pocket of her hoodie then walked right past them and out side.

Ville quickly stood up to throw his trash away before heading outside. They guys laughed and gave him a hard time about chasing after a girl but he didn’t care. Once he was out side he strolled to the Coke machine casually looking around to try to locate where she was sitting. After he got a drink and spotted her, he walked over to the shade tree where she was sitting and writing in her journal. He wasn’t really all that nervous, because he didn’t have anything to lose. As he approached her and saw her beauty, all that changed and butterflies filled his stomach.

“Um July?” He smiled.

“Can I help you?” she asked not looking up.

“Yeah we have English class together. My friend was the jerk that made you get out of his seat.” He placed his hands in his pockets.

“What do you want” she kept looking down and writing.

“Well” he cleared his throat “I just wanted to apologize about that.”

She nodded her head. “Ok thanks”

“May I sit down?” he asked.

“Nothings stopping you.” She was still concentrating on her writing.

He turned around and saw Bam and Ryan watching by the school doors, and motioned for them to go away. After they refused to leave he turned back around and sat down in front of July.

“So what are you writing?” he politely asked.

“Stuff” she answered. “You’re the guitar guy that sits out here with Bam or whatever his name is right?” she still didn’t look up.

A little surprised she noticed him he answered hoping it would impress her.

“Yeah I’m in a band.”

“I'm not sleeping with you, if that’s why you came out here” she bluntly said.

Ville’s eyes widened and he laughed.

“I don’t want to sleep with you either.”

“Well now that that’s settled.” She looked up and froze. His beautiful deep green eyes had a hold of her and her heart raced. “Its nice to meet you” she finally forced herself to say.

“My name is Ville” he held his hand out, and she shook it.

“July” she laughed.

“That’s a unique name” he smiled.

She blushed. “Yeah my mom gave it to me.”

“Where are you from” he leaned against the huge tree she was sitting by.

“California. I just moved here with my foster parents and little sister.” She closed her journal and placed it on her lap, then brushed a strand of hair our of her face.

“Yeah I live right down the road from you. We ride the same bus.” Ville pulled his knees to his chest.

“Your friend is coming over” she nodded in the direction Bam was walking.

Ville groaned and stood up and walked to him.

“dude what are you doing?” he whispered as Bam kept walking toward July.

Bam didn’t answer until he got to July.

“Hey dude I'm sorry about yesterday” Bam apologized.

She nodded and stood up. “Its ok.”

They all three began to walk to the school building because the bell was about to ring to go back to class. Bam asked him pretty much the same questions Ville did as they made their way inside.

“Well I have to go to theatre now” she turned to the boys.

“Do you want me to walk you?” Ville asked.

“No thanks. I'm a big girl” she smiled.

“Well ok then. See you in English.” Ville waved.

“Ok bye.” She turned and walked away.

Ville turned his head to the side and watched her hips move back and forth as she walked.

“dude come on.” Bam laughed pulling his arm.

As they got to Bam's locker Ville leaned against the one next to it and placed his head on the locker door.

“She’s so pretty and mysterious. I wonder why she moved here.” Ville sighed.

Bam rolled his eyes and shut his locker.

“Ask her.”

They began to walk down the hall to chemistry.

“She said she lives with foster parents, so something must have happened”

After chemistry was over Ville found himself sitting in Algebra watching the second hand on the clock tick in a circle, and waiting for the bell to ring so he could go to English class. As soon as it did he raced out and down the hall. As he turned the corner he ran right into July knocking all of her books to the ground.

“I'm so sorry!!” he said wide eyed.

“You jerk!” she laughed.

He picked up all of her books and they began walking to English.

“What are you in such a hurry for” she asked.

“Um, if I get another detention for being late they will put me in ISS” he lied.

“What’s ISS?” she asked.

“In school suspension.” Bam chimed in behind them. “And what are you talking about. I’ve had more detentions than you and I still have some left.

July smiled realizing Ville lied about why he was in a hurry to get to English class. After Bam walked in she took her books from Ville and whispered with a grin,

“Only one more d-hall? Right.”

He looked down and blushed.


The both walked in and Bam gave her his seat so they could all sit together in the back. It was a substitute teacher today so everybody knew they weren’t going to be doing anything. All the jocks at the front of the class kept looking back at July and laughing. Ville and Bam could tell that it was making her feel uncomfortable.

“What the fuck are you looking at?” Bam blurted.

“Bam!” the teacher exclaimed. “Your getting a d-hall!”

“Tell those dumb asses to turn around” Ville said.

“Your getting a detention too.” The teacher said. “You know cussing is against the rules.”

July sat and thought for a second,

“Fuck” she randomly blurted.

“That’s one for you too Miss Houston.” The teacher said angrily.

Ville, Bam and July all looked at each other and grinned, and knew this was the beginning on a bond that would last forever.

ok nobody has been commenting (except for one person and thank you sooo much for it =P ) so if i dont get any comments i will think that nobody is reading and therefore wont post any more chapters...so please leave some comments. long ones are loved...but any will do!!! lol thanks!

unlikely salvation, himismymorrison

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