Modern Use Chapter One and Two

Jul 07, 2008 02:45

Hey guys and girls. I'm Ash. I am new here. So if I mess up, please let me know. I've been working on this short story, and thought the love interest in the story sounded a lot like Ville. So I turned it into a Fic. So here it is...well the first two chapters. Hope you like!

Disclaimer: This is totally fiction! So don't get your panties in a wad.

Warning: May contain mild swearing.

Modern Use

Chapter One

There he stood, upon the stage, hanging onto the microphone as if it contained his soul. The rough guitar did a good job drowning out his voice, but that didn't matter. His mere presence is enough to worship. He is rather tall and slender with long dark flowing hair. A cloud smoke from his cigarette surrounded the stage.

With his eyes glued shut, he shouted the melody of his own songs as if he were pleading for his life. During the guitar solo he would step back to light a cigarette and take a swig of his beer. This is the only time he would peer out into the crowd. This is when all the females in the audience would go wild.

"Ville, I love you!" Shouted Kimmi as she threw her arms up in the air. She began to jump up and down uncontrollably. "Faye! He's staring right at us!" She yelled into my ear.

I had to laugh. She dragged me to come with her to see her favorite band H.I.M. in Austin. The entire drive from San Antonio was full of nothing but their tunes. Which I have to admit, the more I listen to them the more I'm beginning to like them. I even caught myself singing along during the show. When the band exited the stage I felt an agony that amused me. I'm hooked, I thought to myself.

During the drive home Kimmi was going over the highlights of the night as I sat in the passenger seat letting my mind wonder beyond her words. I glanced out of the window at the empty highway with the images of Ville repeating themselves in my head over and over and over...

"...I mean he looked right at me, Faye! It was so exciting!" Her voice squeeked. She took her eyes off of the road for a second to look at me.

Within that second, I felt the car swerve to the right, before hearing a loud bang and the car came to a sudden stop on the shoulder of the highway. "What the fuck, Kimmi?!" I shouted before releasing my arms from protecting my head.

"Oh my god. Oh my fucking god. I can't breath. Faye, I can't breath." She managed to say calmly. Her ring covered fingers gripping the staring wheel tightly as she stared before her in attempt to catch her breath. "Go see what it is."

I laughed in sarcasm, "By It, I'm assuming you mean that thing in the road which you almost killed us trying to miss running over. I don't think so. I'm not going alone." I said pulling the visor down in attempt to use the mirror to see the object lying in the road behind us.

"Fine," She clicked her seat belt before adding, "We'll both go."

"Oh no I'm not. We're out in the middle of nowhere, Kimmi! I am not about to star in Texas Chainsaw Massacre Number Two." I crossed my arms over my chest as she exited the car.

She opened her back-seat door and began to dig around the clutter. "Come on, Faye. Don't make me do it alone."

I smirked, "I wont. Just stay bent over like that and I'm positive the next car to go by will stop to help you out."

Her fingers moved to keep her little skirt from riding up even more. "Shut up." She laughed before reaching under her seat and pulled out a wooden baseball bat. "Lets go."

I groaned before giving in and climbing out of the car. My hands wend to pull my jacket closed as I walked to meet her around to the back of the car. We stood still watching for movement from dark bag in the middle of the road.

I leaned over, keeping my eyes on the object, to say, "I don't mean to make matters worse but you have a flat over here."

"You've got to be kidding me!" She yelled walking around to the passenger side. "Mother fu.."

"SHHHH! Are you trying to get me killed today or something?!" I said, interrupting her fit. "Do you have a spare?"

She let out out a loud sigh before pointing to the trunk. When I popped it open, she handed me the bat and added, "Alright, you keep an eye on that thing in the road, and I'll try to do the tire."

"I don't remember volentering for this position." I replied, gripping the bat as I began to slowly make my way to the mangled bag. "What if its a body?" I asked.

Kimmi's head peaked over the side of the car, "What is the matter with you? Don't say that!"

I stopped to look over my shoulder, "You never know. It could be Elvis for all you know."

"Shut up." She said, pulling her blond hair into a pony tail and returning to her task.

"I mean, think about it. Maybe his death was a cover up. What if he was kidnapped. No one would think to look for him in Texas." I added.

"Shut up." She said from behind the car. "And don't get to close to that thing."

I seemed to not listen to her as I stepped closer to get a better look at it. "I'm just saying its a possibility."

"Enough! Now get over here. I can't do this in the dark."

The force of both of use seemed to not be enough to get the bolts off. And the fact that there were no lights around didn't help matters. "One more time." Kimmi said.

We both clinched our teeth together as we pulled the jack to the left. I let go of my grip and signed. "This is so stupid."

"What?" Kimmi asked, annoyed when she found out she was sweating.

"There could be a dead body in the road and here we are fussing with a damn tire."

"Shut up, Faye! Geez." She said as she stood up straight eyeing the giant bag in the road. "Besides, we need a get-away-car just in case."

I jumped up. "Ha! You think its a body too."

She shook her head, "I don't."

"Well lets go check it out before we start fucking with this tire." I said pulling her by the hand.

She took a few steps before pulling her hand from mine and runing back behind the car to grab the bat. When she returned she looked at me gripping the bat as if she were about to do some serious damage.

". . .In case its a zombie?" I asked.

"You never know."

I laughed holding on to her arm as we continuing to make our way to the object. Kimmi was just about to pull the bag open when a set of head lights appeared coming from the direction we came from.

"Finally." I signed, "Go a head Kim, flash 'em."

"Ah. Noway. Don't you think we should move out of the road?"

"Not unless you want them to pull the same stunt you did to get us in this situation. Plus this way they can't miss us." I answered.

The closer the vehicle got we began jumping up and down, waving our arms in the air to get their attention. When they were a good twenty feet away Kim pulled her shirt up. Then we realized that it was a bus, and not just any bus. It was H.I.M.'s tour bus, according to the big label on the side. Kimmi's jaw dropped as they moved over to pass us.

"It worked! Your boobs are magic!" I said as the breaks squeaked. I looked over to Kimmi, who was still holding her shirt up in shock. "You can put them away now."

"Omigod. Is this a fucking dream?" She asked pulling her shirt back down.

The bus pulled over to the opposite side of the road just a few feet from Kimmi's car. The doors split open and the driver stepped down pulling a jacket on as he made his way over to us. Kimmi nervously closed her arms over her chest.

"Don't be embarrassed miss. Do you have any idea how many pairs of those I see a day?" He said pulling his baseball cap off his bald head. "Now, do you ladies need some help?"

Kimmi shuddered before I interrupted, "Yes. We have a flat." I said pointing to her car.

The bald man moved over to take a look at the car, "Where's the spare tire?" He asked.

"In the trunk." Kimmi said, keeping her eyes on the bus.

He pulled the spare out from the bed of the trunk and nodded, "We have a problem ladies." He signed, "Your spare is flat too."

Kimmi's attention on the bus quickly shifted to the man before us. "What? Noway!"

"I'm afraid so, Miss. Do either of you have a phone?" He asked.

"I do, but the battery died hours ago." I answered.

He wiped his sweaty bald head before getting to his feet, "Alright, follow me."

The bald man led us across the street to the doors of the bus. Kimmi gripped my hand tighter the closer we got. The driver climbed back in his seat and digging for his phone while we waited outside of the bus before the open doors.

It was then that we heard a deep voice ask why the bus stopped. And there he was. Ville's beanie covered head popped from around the corner. His crystal blue eyes widened in surprise before he tipped his beanie, "Having a rough night,sweethearts?"

Kimmi gave a nervous laugh, putting her hand over her mouth.

The driver rambled on his cell phone while Ville stepped off of the bus keeping his eyes on us. He took a look at Kimmi's car then his glance came back to us. Kimmis hand squeezed mine tightly.

"Don't be frightened, darling. I won't bite." He added as he lit a cigarette. He wore a pair of washed out blue-jeans and an opened black buttoned-up top, revealing his tattoo on his lower abdomen. "So, do you ladies need a ride?"

"Actually we don't..." I started to say before Kimmi's elbow in my ribs stopped me.

"We sure do." She said with her cheesy grin.

His eyes shot to me as he answered, "Well there is only one thing you have to do before you get on this bus."

Kimmi looked to me for a moment.

Ville smirked before stepping onto the bus and withing a few seconds he came back holding a bottle of Wild Turkey. Another man followed holding a shot glass. I recognized him as the bassist of their band.

Kimmi leaned over and said quietly, "Oh my god. Thats Mige."

"You have to take a shot." Mige said handing the shot glass to us.

I looked at Kimmi, who's eyes were glued to Ville, then replied, "Well I need a drink, so what the hell." The burning went down my throat very harshly, almost causing me to spit it back up. But I managed to keep in down as I smiled handing the shot glass to Kimmi.

She took it easier than I did. She didn't cringe or take her eyes off of Ville. His brows rose before he motioned for us to come on board.

Chapter Two

There is no way to describe the rest of the night. Mainly because I don't remember any of it. Well there are bits and pieces, but they are just a blur. It was bizarre night that is for sure. Waking up in a totally different city only screams obscenity.

I woke to Kimmi sitting next to me on the bed in the hotel room. Her hand held an ice cube that she glided along my cheek until she saw my eyes slide open. She smiled, "Good morning, baby girl!"

I groaned as the explosion in my head rumbled. My lips were dry and flaky. Stretching my arms and legs, my voice cracked as I replied, "Where are we?"

She giggled, "A long way from home, Faye." She stood up and pulled the curtains open, revealing a beautiful view of The Gulf Coast. The waves were just a few yards away.

I climbed out of the bed, almost stumbling, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. "How the hell. . .?" I struggled to finish as Kimmi pulled the french doors open and let the warm air in. "How did we end up here?"

She giggled as she pulled me out onto the covered deck. "You don't even know what day it is do you?"

I couldn't get my eyes off the beautiful view, I felt around next to me for a chair to sit in, shaking my head.

Kimmi sat in the seat next to me. She lit a cigarette before adding, "Well its been three days since the show." She said she exhaled smoke into the air.

"Holy-hell! What the hell have I been doing in those three days?" I asked leaning my elbows on my knees with my head in my hands. When I looked to Kimmi for an overdue answer, I noticed her eyes shift. I looked behind me and there stood Ville in nothing but his jeans, holding a towel over his shoulders.

My eyes shot back to Kimmi who smirked before stepping off the deck and disappeared. I tried to stay calm by running my hands through my hair. I felt Ville come closer and closer until he was standing right before me. This was very confusing. This is a stranger to me, yet my body feels ultimately connected to him.

His hand graced the skin of my shoulder before kneeling down before me. He dug his eyes into me until my eyes met his. "So this is Faye." His raspy voice rang in my head.

I bit my lip before replying, "So this is Ville." I tried to smile.

He laughed before getting up to sit in the seat Kimmi was in. "You look at me as if you just met me." He said reaching in his pocket for his pack of cigarettes and lighter. "Although, I can understand, you know, with all the partying."

"Oh, no." I said out load to myself as my hand went to mouth. It all started to make sense. I felt the ache all over my body, the sort of ache that comes to every recovering addict after they slip. I sighed before asking, "This is really difficult. Can you tell me if we. . .?"

He laughed, flicking his cigarette. "No, darling. We have not." He took a drag before adding, "Although we have come close."

I blushed. The moment of silence gave me a chance to get a better look at him as he watched seagulls that flew around on the beach. This sort of lighting really emphasized the color of his eyes. They stood out remarkably blue. His brown hair was tied back. His skin was luminous. He is a beauty, thats was for sure.

He smiled graciously when he caught me staring at him. "Want to go for a walk?" He asked, as he stood to his feet.

I nodded. I walked behind him as he guided me down to the shore that was only a few yards away. I kept my hands clasped together, trying to not stare at him, as we walked barefoot before in the sand, but it was not very easy.

When he stopped to take in the scenery. He threw his cigarette in the water before glancing at me behind him. He looked around him for a second before looking back to me. "Faye Brown. Twenty-four years old. You're in drafting, although you have a secret love for music. You are, or were, a recovered drug addict. You hate sleeping alone in a bed. You eat cereal every single morning. You ..."

Every word out of his mouth made me smile. My hand went to his lips to stop him. "This is so surreal." I said softly.

He reached for my hand, "I know it is." He sat down in the sand motioning for me to sit next to him, lighting another cigarette.

"I must be acting weird. But I honestly don't remember anything from the past few days. I mean I'm starting to remember bits and pieces, although that doesn't tell me how... involved we are. I mean not to sound corny, but I feel like I've known you for years."

He smiled, keeping his eyes on mine. "Well, for one, we've spent the past three nights in the same bed. Two, thanks to the booze and other recreational items, we've had some pretty deep conversations."

I had to laugh. "Oh my gosh. That's all we've done? I must be utterly boring to you." I said rolling my eyes as my chin fell into my hand.

He shook his head before leaning into plant a kiss on my cheek. "I actually find you perfectly interesting, sweetheart."

ville valo, him

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