Razorblade Romance - Chapter 1

Jun 01, 2014 18:26

Originally posted by bathoree at Razorblade Romance - Chapter 1
Title: Razorblade Romance - Chapter 1
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17
Pairing: Ville Valo and Domineke Adler
Summary: Ville is single and has had writers block for a few months, he is finding it incredibly hard to write with out a muse but things change when he spots a certain blonde haired woman.
Disclaimer: I do not own any famous person written about in this story unfortunately, but I do own all other characters :)
Feedback: I would love good or bad feedback for this fic :)
Warnings: It can be a little angsty and fluffy at times.
Authors Note: The main characters name is Domineke but I use Neke for short. (pronounced neek)

Chapter 1

"Hey Neke come through" she got up and followed him through the studio down to his room, she walked in and placed her handbag on the chair. She got up on the chair and laid back, Austin poured the ink into the little tubs, he smiled as he grabbed his gun, he dipped it in the ink "you ready" he smirked "always" she smiled. Austin started tattooing her chest "so where are you going on your holiday?" she smiled "I'm going to Vegas for a bit then I'm off to Finland." He dipped the needle into the ink and continued tattooing "sick man I've been to America but never Europe" she nodded. "Yeah I've been to Europe it's beautiful but I've never been to Finland" she gritted her teeth as pain shot up to her neck, he smiled "toughen up it's not that bad" he chuckled.

She smiled, they chatted away for about an hour "want to take five" she nodded "have a look" she slid off the chair and looked in the mirror "awesome" Austin smiled. Austin's apprentice Jai walked in "need anything man" Austin grabbed his bank card "yeah lunch just get me the normal, you want anything Neke?" Neke smiled "yeah can you grab me a ice tea" Jai nodded and left. Neke sat back up on the chair, Austin looked at the tattoo "man this is gonna look sick when we finish" Neke smiled "you say that every time I come in" he laughed "I cant help it if I've covered you in awesome tattoo's" she smiled. Jai came back and handed Neke her drink and Austin his lunch, Neke sipped her drink while Austin quickly ate his pie. Austin put on some new gloves and continued tattooing, after an hour he put his gun down "we are done" he wiped Neke's chest.

She stood up and walked to the mirror "it's awesome" she said as she admired her new chest peice "this is definitely my favourite" Austin smiled. "Soon your going to have no room left for me to tattoo" Neke smiled as she looked at her fully tattooed arms, hands, feet, legs and now her chest "still got my back" she smiled. Austin chuckled "yeah still have your neck, one side of your ribs, your stomach and eventually your face" Neke shook her head "no way never tattooing my face" Austin laughed. Austin covered her tattoo with clear wrap, she pulled a shirt out from her bag and put it over her singlet she knew how bad the sun burnt fresh tattoo's. Neke followed Austin out to the reception "uhh call it four hundred today" Neke nodded "cool" she paid. "You want to book in for after your trip" she thought about it "nah I'll text you when I get back and book in." Austin smiled "okie dokie have a sick holiday" she smiled "will do see you when I get back" Neke walked down the stairs and out to the car.

She unlocked the car and got in, she pulled her phone out of her bag and checked the messages 'hey call me when you can' from her brother Xavier. She called him "hey Xav what do you want" he sighed "are you busy?" she closed her car door "no whys that?" She got her keys out of her bag "can you pick me up from work in a hour" she put the keys in the ignition "no problem see you then" she hung up and threw her phone onto the passenger seat. Neke looked at her watch "fuck" it was nearly peak hour she knew she was going to be in heavy traffic the entire way home. She started the car and HIM came on she sung along as she drove into the city, she drove through the city and got on the south freeway.

Just over a hour later she pulled up in front of her brothers work and he got into the car "thanks sis" she smiled. Xavier took the CD out "why are you touching my music" he chuckled "I've had this song stuck in my head all day." Xavier put a cd in then skipped the first song, Neke laughed "you've had this song stuck in your head" he nodded "what" they both began to sing along 'I'll instigate, I'll free your mind, I'll show you what I've known all this time, god hates us all' they laughed. A while later she pulled into the drive way of their house, she clicked the remote and the garage door opened she drove in and parked the car. Xavier unlocked the house while Neke went and checked the mail, she grabbed the letters and walked back into the garage. She clicked the button next to the door and the garage door lowered itself then she walked inside.

"Xav" he poked his head out from the bathroom "if your showering make it quick because I have to shower in a minute" he nodded. Neke walked over and turned the kettle on, she grabbed a cup from the cupboard and paced sugar and tea in it. She opened a few letters while she waited for the kettle to boil "bills bills and more bills" she put the bills on the bench then went and got the milk. She made her tea and sat down at the table, she stripped her shirt off carefully the tattoo had started the dreaded burn. She peeled the clean wrap off and threw it in the bin, she sat back down and drank her tea. She heard her brother get out of the shower, "let me see your tattoo now it's finished" he said as he walked into the kitchen with a towel around his waist.

"That's sick" Neke smiled "when are you getting more tattoo's?" he smiled "soon I cant have my sister out doing me" Neke laughed "you have a lot of catching up to do." He laughed "I know" he walked off to his room, Neke got up and rinsed her cup up then walked in to the bathroom, she closed the door and stripped off. She turned the water on, she hated coming home after a tattoo to gently wash the ink off around the tattoo. She stood under the water and let it run down her back she grabbed a flannel and gently washed around her tattoo. After a while she stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around herself, she walked to her room. She pulled on a singlet and her cupcake pyjama shorts, she towel dried her hair and went to the kitchen to cook dinner. "What's for dinner?" Neke smiled "I just realised I forgot to take something out to defrost" Xavier walked up and ruffled Neke's hair "blondie" she pushed his arm away "your blonde too."

He laughed "want to order pizza" she nodded, she heard a meow out side "aww poor kitty" she walked into the laundry to see her cat Edgar sitting outside the door. "Did you miss mummy" she picked him up and he purred "someone's hungry" she put the cat down and walked to the pantry and got out Edgar's food. Neke walked back into the laundry and put some food in his bowl and filled his water bowl back up. "Neke" she walked back into the kitchen "Emily is coming around" she nodded, Emily was Xavier's girlfriend they got along but they had a few differences some times as Emily was younger and a little immature. After a while the pizza showed up and so did Emily they all sat at the table and ate dinner "are you nervous about going on holiday alone" Neke shook her head at Emily. "I'm nervous about leaving this kid here alone" she looked at her brother "I'm not a kid" Neke laughed.

"I'm not a kid mate I'm 21" Neke laughed "sure that's why I picked you up from work" he chuckled "just because I don't have a car doesn't mean I'm a kid plus while your gone I have yours." Neke took a sip of her drink "you better look after my car, and the house" he nodded "ok mum" she smiled at him "well someone has to mother you." They finished eating dinner, they all sat down and watched some television after a while Neke stood up "I'm going to bed" Xav nodded "night" she walked down to her room. She turned on her light "your already in here puss puss" she closed her door and turned the light off. She climbed into bed, Edgar laid down next to her hip, she patted him as she slowly drifted off to sleep.

Neke woke up to her alarm going off, she slowly got up and walked into the kitchen, she turned the kettle on and fed Edgar. She made herself a cup of tea, she drank it then went and opened her wardrobe, she felt like dressing up a little so she pulled out her fitted black with white polka dot dress. She put her dress on and then went to her dressing table, she pinned her hair back and put on her usual makeup. She out lined her blue eyes with black eyeliner making it flick out at the sides, then put on her mascara and finished it off with deep red lipstick. She unpinned her hair, she groaned sometimes she hated having curly hair but luckily it was shoulder length so it didn't take long to do. She combed her hair and put a little bit of Moroccan oil through it so it wasn't so frizzy, she grabbed her black high heels and her bag and headed to the car. She drove to work, she pulled up and put her shoes on then walked into the store.

"Morning Neke" Elle smiled "morning" Elle was her best friend they had opened the shop together as there was no where in their town to buy alternative and pin up clothes, shoes and accessories the shop became pretty popular. "Your tattoo looks very sore but its awesome" Neke nodded "yeah it's pretty tender" Elle smiled "I cant believe its your last day and tomorrow your off on holiday" Neke smiled "I know I'm excited but I am going to miss you" Elle smiled "aww I'll miss you too." They put on some Metallica as they opened the shop, they joked around for the first few hours it was always quite in the morning. The door bell rang they both looked up, Neke smiled it was her sister Hadley "your bringing us lunch and its not even Wednesday." Hadley smiled "I know but you leave tomorrow and I thought I would come see you before you go" Neke smiled "that's lovely of you."

The three of them all enjoyed the lunch Hadley had brought from the cafe she works in "this fruit salad is amazing" Emily said, Neke nodded "I know." Hadley smiled and they continued eating "are you excited about your holiday" Neke nodded "very" Hadley smirked "maybe you'll find your husband in Finland" Neke laughed. "Shit I have to go" Hadley stood up, Neke hugged her "have fun on holiday I wish I was coming" Neke laughed "next year we will go" Haldey smiled and left. The afternoon went by pretty quickly they had a few customers, they closed up and walked out to their cars "call me as soon as you get off the plane" Neke smiled "I promise." Neke got in her car and drove home, she fed the cat and cooked spaghetti for dinner "who is supposed to cook for me when you go." Neke looked at Xavier "you" he laughed "I cant cook" she laughed "Emily can cook you dinner" he shook his head "no way I'll eat my cooking no offence to her but she cant cook at all."

Neke laughed "nan would be disappointed" Xav nodded "I know maybe I should take Emily to nans and tell her she cant cook so nan teaches her" they laughed. Neke took their plates to the sink and washed up, she went to her room Xav and Edgar followed her she unzipped her suitcase and got her list out from her draw. She double checked everything to make sure she didn't leave anything behind, she zipped her suitcase closed and sat on her bed. "Make sure you feed Edgar and he might start sleeping with you now" Xav smiled and patted the cat "aww my new bed buddy" Neke smiled. She put her plane tickets in her bag along with a book and other things "we better go to bed cause we have to get up early to drive to the airport" Xav nodded "goodnight" he walked into his room.

Neke woke up to her alarm, she groaned it was early, she pulled herself out of bed and made her self tea and a cup of coffee for Xavier. She took the coffee into his room and shook him lightly "Xav" he groaned "come on get up" he opened his eyes "coffee" he mumbled, she laughed and gave him the coffee. She walked to the door and turned on the light then went back to her room, she grabbed black jeans, singlet and a jumper from her closet and pulled them on. She put on her converse's, she drank her tea and triple checked she had everything. "Lets go Neke" Xav grabbed her suit case, Neke kissed Edgar on the head "mummy's going to miss you kitty" he meowed she scratched his head then turned the light off.

She walked out to the car and got in, she started the car and waited for Xav to get in, they drove to the airport. After a hour they finally made it to the airport Neke parked the car and got out, Xavier got out and grabbed her suit case he wheeled it inside the airport for her. Neke went and checked in then walked back to Xavier "you don't have to wait here with me you cant go home" he shook his head "it's ok I'll wait" they sat down at the coffee shop Xavier ordered another coffee. "Please be careful America and Finland are far away from Australia so I cant come save your ass" Neke smiled. "I will" he nodded "well you better otherwise who is going to cook and clean after me" she slapped his arm and laughed. The announcement for Las Vegas came on Neke stood up and they walked to her gate, she hugged Xavier "be good" he smiled "always" she smiled and walked down the hallway and boarded the plane.

She sat down and put her headphones in after all the safety instructions were given, she listened to some system of a down as she feel asleep. She was awoken by someone gently shaking her, she opened her eyes "we are going to land soon" she smiled at the girl and sat up properly. Neke put her seat belt on and looked out the window as they landed, she exited the plane and walked to the baggage bay and waited for her bag to come. After a while she spotted her suit case she grabbed it and wheeled it out, she caught a taxi to her hotel, she handed the driver the money and got out. She walked into the hotel and up to the desk, she got her room key and went to the room, she laid in the bed for a while before deciding she would go check Las Vegas out. She looked in the mirror, she didn't look too bad so she grabbed her phone, room key, bag and left.

She wondered around for a while stopping in little shops along the way, she found a nice little cafe so she sat down and had some lunch. She was only in Las Vegas for a few days before going to Finland, she decided she would go to the casino tomorrow and today she would just look around. She walked around some more looking at all the buildings after a while she got tired and made her way back to the hotel. She took a nap for a while, when she woke up she ordered room service and watched a movie before falling asleep. She woke up the next day and had a cup of tea then got into the shower. She got out of the shower and opened her suit case, she looked for something to wear she decided on her black cherry dress and some black flats.

Neke made her way down to the casino, she got there she was amazed they only had one casino back home and it was pretty shit. She spent the first hour just walking around checking it all out, she decided to go to the bar and have a drink, she ordered a vodka with sprite. She sat at the bar drinking when a few people came up and sat next to her "nice dress" Neke looked over to the girl "thankyou, I like your dress as well." The girl smiled "your from Australia" Neke nodded "we are two" Neke smiled "I thought so you don't have an accent" she laughed. They sat talking while the two guys she was with went and gambled. "Let's go find the boys" Neke agreed, they found them they all hung out gambling and having some drinks. After a few hours Neke was pretty wasted she said her goodbye's to the girl and her friends and stumbled back up to her room.

Neke woke up with a headache and not a lot of memory from the night before, she stayed in bed for a while before dragging herself out of bed and into the shower. She relaxed while she was in the shower after a while she got out and got dressed in jeans and a long sleeve shirt. Neke ordered lunch and watched tv while waiting for it, she heard a knock on the door she got up and opened it, she got her lunch and thanked the man. She sat on her bed and ate, she decided to stay in a recover from last nights drinking before her flight later that day. After a while she packed her things and checked out, she caught a taxi to the airport she paid the driver and walked into the airport. Neke walked up to the counter to check in, she handed the girl her ticket the girl scanned it "there seems to be a problem" Neke looked at her "what kind of problem?"

"Your seat was double booked and the other person has already checked in" Neke sighed "your kidding me" the lady shook her head "so what happens now?" they lady smiled "I have to ask my supervisor" she walked off and came back with an older lady. "Are there any more seats available" the girl checked "only in first class" the supervisor nodded "upgrade her." Neke smiled "thankyou" the girl handed her the new ticket, Neke smiled and checked her bag in. Neke walked off and found some where to sit while she waited for the announcement, she took her book out of her bag and began reading. Not that long after the announcement came on, she got up and walked to the gate, she handed the girl her ticket, she boarded the plane and the air hostess showed her to first class. Neke smiled and sat down at her chair there weren't very many people in fist class, she pulled her book out and continued reading.

She was in her own world for hours letting herself get lost in her book "I like your tattoos" Neke looked up to see a woman standing in front of her. She looked familiar some how but Neke couldn't place it "oh thankyou" the woman smiled "did the one on your chest hurt" she smiled "not too bad but near the collarbones is pretty painful." The woman smiled "my names Nicki" Neke smiled "Domineke" Nicki smiled "that's a cool name" Neke smiled "thanks." Nicki smiled "well I'll let you get back to your book nice to meet you" Neke smiled "nice to meet you too." Neke watched as Nicki walked off, she sat down a few seats down, Neke continued reading the book. Before she knew it the landing announcement came on, she finished her chapter then put the book in her bag. Neke got off the plane and collected her luggage, she still couldn't place Nicki but she knew she had seen her somewhere.

Neke caught a taxi to the hotel she paid the driver and got out, she was tired she walked into the lobby and up to the reception. "How may I help you?" the young man behind the counter asked "I have a reservation" he smiled "what name" she smiled "Adler." He looked "Domineke Adler" she nodded and gave her I.d, he handed her the room key "floor nine" she smiled at him "thankyou" he smiled back "no problem". She caught the elevator up to the floor, she got off and walked to her room, she unlocked the door then walked in. She unzipped her suit case and pulled out her pyjamas, she got changed and laid in the bed, she fell asleep pretty quickly from all the flying and reading she had done.

Neke woke up the next morning, she had slept great she rolled over and looked at her phone, it said seven pm she raised her eyebrows as she looked outside. Then she remembered she has to change her time zone she changed it now her phone said ten am. She laid there for a while then got up and showered, she wrapped the towel around her and began to unpack her suitcase. She put underwear on and continued to unpack, she slowly decided what to wear she pulled out a red dress that had black tulle underneath it. She put the dress on, she looked in the mirror it was tight down to the waist then it puffed out a little, the top had back lining and the straps were black. She grabbed her flats that had the feet bones on them, then she did her makeup she just did the winged eyeliner on the top lash, mascara and red lipstick she then grabbed her bag and headed out to explore Helsinki.


Ville was sitting in a pub with Bam and Nicki "Ville you should of seen this girl we seen on the plane yesterday she was stunning" Ville smiled. "Bam you don't need to point out every female around me I am happy to wait until someone catches my eye" Bam chuckled. Nicki smiled "Ville she would of caught your eye believe me" Ville smiled and looked out the window, he seen a woman walking down the street he couldn't take his eyes off her. "What are you looking at" Nicki asked "her" Ville pointed Nicki and Bam looked "holy fuck that's her" Nicki got up and ran out of the pub. Ville watched as Nicki chased the girl down and spoke to her then they both started walking this way. Bam smiled "told you she would catch your eye" he laughed, Ville smiled "hey guys this is Domineke" Ville looked at the blonde haired beauty.

Ville couldn't help but stare, she smiled at them, he smiled back "this is Bam and Ville" she smiled "nice to meet you" Bam said she smiled "nice to meet you too." Bam kicked Ville under the table and he snapped out of it, he shuffled close to the window "here sit down" she smiled at him and sat down. "Domineke that's an unusual name" Ville said, she smiled "I know I've never met anyone who shares my name" Ville smiled. Neke felt awkward she wasn't really good at meeting new people it stressed her out a little "I like your tattoo's" Bam said, she smiled "thanks" she blushed a little. "Do you guys need another drink" Nicki asked they nodded "Domineke you want to come with me and get a drink" Neke nodded she stood up and followed Nicki to the bar. "You look nervous" Nicki said as the walked "yeah I'm not good at meeting new people" Nicki smiled "it's ok heaps of people aren't."

"What do you think of her Ville" Ville smiled at Bam "she is beautiful" Bam smiled "maybe you should try and talk to her" Ville blushed "Bam you know how awkward I am around new people." Bam laughed "why don't you invite her to your jam sesh today that way you can stare at her some more and not say anything" Bam laughed, Ville chuckled "yeah I'll do that" Ville smiled. Nick and Neke returned with the drinks, they sat down, Neke handed Ville his drink "thankyou" he smiled. Bam started telling them all stories about what had been going on at home, they were all laughing and having a good time. "So Ville what are you up to today?" Bam asked smiling at Ville, Ville smiled back "not much I'm going to the studio soon to play some music with the band." Bam smiled "you guys should come" Bam nodded "sounds good man" Ville felt Bam nudge him under the table.

Ville turned to Neke "would you like to come along Domineke" Neke blushed "I uh" she fidgeted "if you have plans already that's fine" Ville smiled. "I don't have any plans I uh just don't want to intrude" Ville smiled "you wont be intruding it's fine really" she smiled "you sure" Ville nodded. Neke smiled "is that a yes" Bam asked, Neke nodded, Bam chuckled "alright cool well let's head off then shall we" they all finished their drinks and stood up. They all slowly walked to the studio Neke and Ville kept quite on the way they listened to Bam telling stories and laughing. They arrived at the studio, Bam opened the door and walked in, Ville held the door for Neke she blushed a little "thankyou" she mumbled as she walked into the room.

ville valo, fanfic

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