Drained but Aching For More (Part 5 & 6)

Oct 23, 2009 21:49

Rating: PG-PG13 (little bit of language and such)

Disclaimer: I do not own anyone in this story and it is COMPLETELY fictional. None of these events are true, though the story has parts that are based on true events. The only characters in this story I have "rights" to are Holly, Naomi, Oliver, and Ben. And I know that Bam and Missy weren't married in 2004, but, it's my story and I have creative license. So, 'nya.
Summary: Ville and Holly have known each other since Holly was a young high school student. Ville and Holly are just now coming to the conclusion that they harbor feelings deeper than friendship for one another. This is their story. Oh, and Holly is Bam Margera's sister. (Just thought I'd mention that).

Author:  MissSixty-Nine (moi-même)

Chapitre Cinq

I heard the door of my bedroom close and my eyes opened to slits, trying to see the intruder. I saw no one so snuggled back into the comfort of my bed and the arms that were wrapped around my waist. I closed my eyes again and prepared to drift back to sleep-

Arms? Around my waist?! I thought, eyes shooting open again. My breath came faster and my heart picked up speed as I realized there was someone else in the bed with me. Slowly-braced for a brawl-I rolled over, prepared to hit my bed-mate with my fist if it should come down to physical violence. When my eyes adjusted to the light, I saw Ville’s face less than an inch from mine, his eyes closed and oh-so pleasantly-plump lips slightly parted in a deep sleep.

Oh my God. I mouthed the words silently, afraid to move, afraid to even breathe. I pressed a hand to my mouth and attempted to slip out from under the blankets and out of the bed. Hell, out of the room.

Ville prevented this maneuver by tightening his arms around me and pulling me closer to him, sighing. I arched backwards, trying to keep myself as far away from him as possible. Ville’s body mimicked my move in the same direction, bringing his face close to my chest and neck. I opened my mouth in a taciturn scream and arched back even farther, trying as hard as I could to get away from him.

Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, holy shit. Holy. Fucking. Shit. I mouthed, mind racing. Ville’s arms tightened again and I gave a small squeak of protest. His eyes opened at this and he blinked lazily.

“Holly?” He asked in a groggy voice. “What are you doing in my bed?”

“Oh dear…” I said, face scrunching up in horror. “Oh dear, oh dear oh dear oh dear.” I said, giggling hysterically. “Well, you see…actually.” I let loose another giggle. “You’re in my bed.” I said the last sentence in a near-silent whisper and so high-pitched even I could barely hear and understand.

“What?” Ville asked, shaking his head once. He had yet to release me from his python-grip and I was trying my hardest not to breathe too much.

“You’re in my bed,” I whispered, closing my eyes. “I didn’t know you were in here and this afternoon I came home and I was tired so I snuck into the house and into my room and climbed into bed and I didn’t even know you were here!” I let out my breath in a whoosh and closed my eyes for thirty seconds.

“Holly,” he said, finally releasing me from the cage that was his grasp. “It’s okay.”

“Really? Are you sure? Because I could, you know, go jump in a lake or something.” I winced at the stupidity of my statement and closed my eyes. “Bam’s got a pool,” Shut up! I told myself, opening my eyes again.

“I’m really the one who should be apologizing since this is your room and this is your bed and all.” He smiled softly at me and I giggled nervously, shrugging. “So, I’m sorry that I’m in your bed and I had my hands all over you.” He pressed his hand to my cheek and I blinked.

“Uh…” I didn’t know what to say. No one had ever apologized to me for being in my bed and having their hands all over me while they were still in my bed and still had their hands all over me. “Thanks?”

He laughed and shook his head before rolling over and throwing back the blankets. Ville slid out of the bed and bent down to pull his pants on over his boxers. When he was fully dressed in his clothes from the previous night, he turned and looked at me, still staring at him with wide, innocent eyes and still laying half-naked in a bar of late-afternoon sunlight. His smile faltered and I blinked, my face transforming from unsure to confused in a heartbeat. By the time my eyes had opened from the blink, his smile was back and I was left looking like a dork in my bed, secretly wishing I was more experienced in the ways of men and more knowledgeable in their ways of thinking.

“Well, again, I’m sorry for intruding on your space, Holly.” Ville said, still smiling.

“Oh, it’s all right,” I said, blowing out a breath as he brushed a lock of hair behind my ear. “I’m used to having people invade my space…usually they’re not as gorgeous as you are.” Oh Jesus Christ Almighty. “I mean, usually they’re not as gracious as you are.” I corrected quickly, rolling my eyes at my own idiocy.

“Right.” He grabbed his pair of Nikes off my floor and gave me a salute before leaving me staring after him as he left the room, quietly closing the door behind him.


Bam cornered me as I left Holly’s room, eyes narrowed in speculation as he moved towards me like a panther sensing a weakness in its prey.

“What were you doing in there with my sister?” He asked quietly with barely controlled fury.

“Sleeping,” I said truthfully.

“Yeah right!” He scoffed, rolling his eyes and shaking his head. “You’re the Sex God from Sweden!” He laughed at his own joke and I spared him a tight-lipped smile.

“No, truly, I was only sleeping. Your poor sister didn’t even know I was in her bed until she woke up about ten minutes ago and found me with my arms wrapped about her slender waist.” I nodded and mimicked wrapping my arms around someone.

“Whatever.” Bam said, shaking his head vigorously before turning around and throwing his hands into the air and stalking away. He was obviously disappointed he didn’t get the chance to hit me for molesting his sister or something of the sort. “Watch him,” he said to Missy as he passed her on the stairs. “He’s a sly one.”


Chapitre Six

“Mom, you will never guess what happened to me two days ago,” I whispered into the phone as I cleaned my room.

“What happened to you two days ago?”

“Well, after I left your house, I came home and I went to bed. Little did I know that Ville Valo was in my bed and had been there for two hours before I got home.” I paused for effect and she gasped.

“No!” My mother said dutifully.

“Yeah! He was in my bed and I didn’t even know it!” I tossed a pair of jeans into my laundry hamper and flopped down on the bed. “I slept in the same bed as Ville Valo.” I sighed loudly and grinned.

“Don’t sound so pleased with yourself, Holly,” I heard my mother say. I grinned wider and laughed.

“Oh Mom. If you had seen the look on my face when I realized it was Ville in my bed…you would have shit your pants with laughter.” I said matter-of-factly. “Besides, if it was you and you were twenty years younger and Ville was in your bed, would you be all goody-goody about it or would you be telling the story to all your friends?”

She laughed as well. “I would be telling the story to all my friends,”

“Of course you would be, Mom. I’m just like you, so, there.” I smiled as someone knocked on my door. “Mom, I’ve got to go, someone’s come knocking,” I said in a British accent. “I’ll call you later,”

“All right, baby, bye-bye.”

“Bye,” I hung up and vaulted off the bed, humming “Wicked Game” to myself. I pulled open the door and immediately stopped humming. “Missy, hello.”

“Can I come in?” She stepped into my room without waiting for an answer and shut the door behind her, smiling.

“Sure, go ahead,” I mumbled, turning around and heading towards my bed. “What’s up?”

“I just wanted to ask you some questions.”

“No, you just wanted to grill me about something,” I smiled grimly and picked a bit of lint from my comforter.

“Same thing,” she shrugged and sat down next to me, smiling. “Anyhow, I was just wondering what exactly is going on between you and Ryan.”

“Me and Ryan?” I asked, all innocence. “Why whatever do you mean?” I batted my eyelashes and she laughed.

“Don’t bat your lashes at me, Holly, I’m not the one you need to be charming.” She said sternly.

“Then who do I need to direct the batting at?” I asked, turning to face her.

“Your brother.”

“Who cares about Bam? He’s a nosy git with an attitude problem,” I rolled my eyes and stood to pace away from her. Then back again. Away. Back. Away. Back. “What does he think is going on?”

“He thinks that you and Dunn are having intimate relations,” she whispered the last two words as if they were top secret.

“So what if Dunn and I make-out sometimes? I can’t be a nun, Missy.” I flopped down in the plush chair across the room from her and she smiled.

“I understand, darling, but your brother thinks that the two of you are…” she trailed off, moving her hands as if to indicate more.

“Oh my God, no. Dunn and I? He wouldn’t have sex with me because he’s afraid of Bam.” I laughed, closing my eyes. “Besides, Dunn and I would never have sex because I don’t want to have sex with him. I just want to make-out with him.” I smiled innocently and she laughed heartily, holding her stomach when the laugh ended. “See, no worries, and you can tell Bam that I’d love it if he kept his nose out of my business.”

“He’s just looking out for you, Holly,” she said, touching my arm as she started for the door. “He loves you.”

“Sadly,” I rolled my eyes and sat up to kiss her cheek. “Thanks for being nice about doing Bam’s espionage work.” I said, blowing out an exasperated breath. “You’re the best sister-in-law a girl could ask for. I guess I’m stuck with you, eh?”

“Yeah, you’re stuck with me.” She kissed my cheek before leaving and shutting the door quietly. I sighed and closed my eyes. Bam was such a nosy-shit. I stood up and left the room after Missy, in need of food.

I closed my door and jogged silently down the stairs, stopping at the top of the set to the kitchen when I heard Ville’s voice.

“Bam, really, the other day, when I was in your sister’s bed,” I heard him say. “That meant nothing. It was a mistake, she didn’t even know I was in her bed,”

“Yes, I’m sure. Ville, just realize this, my sister, she’s not exactly innocent, in fact, I’m starting to think that she’s pretty much the opposite. She’s been sleeping with Dunn. Did you know that?” My mouth dropped open and my eyes narrowed in anger.

“Dunn?” Ville repeated.

“Yes, Dunn. Ryan Dunn.” Bam said noisily.

“She hasn’t been sleeping with him.” Ville said two octaves lower.

“Yes, she has! Dunn told me they’ve had sex three times. In the past month.” My jaw tightened and I could swear that a muscle was beginning to jump in my temple.

“No, that’s not true.” At least Ville wasn’t buying the bullshit.

“Yes, man, it is!” I heard a crash and knew Bam had thrown something. “Listen to me when I say that my sister is bad news.” I had heard enough. I stormed down the stairs, ready to fight my brother to the death. I was halfway down the stairs when someone grabbed my arm. I wheeled around, fist raised when I saw it was Dunn.

“You skunk-bag!” I shouted, ramming my fist into his face. He staggered back, falling onto his ass on the stairs. “You jackass! You stupid mother-fucker!” I spat at him. “You told Bam that I slept with you?”

“What?” Dunn stammered through the blood that was spouting from his nostrils.

“Don’t play dumb with me, Ryan!” I kicked him in the shins, tears streaming down my face. “You told him that I slept with you! You lied to him!” I heard footsteps on the stairs behind me but I didn’t turn. “You arrogant pig! I wouldn’t sleep with you even if my very existence depended on it!” I kicked him again and slapped him across his bloody face. “If you ever come near me again, I swear to God, I will castrate you without a second thought. Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?” I asked, chest heaving.

“Holly, I-”

“Shut up and answer my Goddamn question, you self-righteous shit-head.” I fumed, raising my fist in anger and frustration. Dunn flinched and I grinned wickedly through the tears. “Do you understand?”

“Y-Yes, I understand.” Dunn muttered, standing slowly. Blood was still dripping from his nose and I nodded once.

“Good,” Then I rammed my fist into his gut before stalking up the stairs, food entirely forgotten.


“Jesus Christ,” Dunn gasped, doubling over in pain. I couldn’t help but smile to myself as Bam moved to help Dunn in his time of need. “Your sister hits like Muhammad Ali.” He tried to take a deep breath but failed miserably when he started coughing, blood now spewing from his mouth.

“Did you really lie to me, Dunn?” Bam asked, lowering Dunn gently into a chair near the fireplace in the Pirate Bar.

“Well…” Dunn began, staring at the ground while he held his fingers to his nose to try and stop the flow of blood.

“What happened to you?” Dico asked as he came into the house from his trip to the Hobbit Hole, unknowingly saving Dunn from questioning. “Did Holly beat you up?”

“How’d you know that?” I asked Dico as he took his Eagles hat off and scratched his balding head before replacing the hat again.

“She goes for the nose. His nose looks like it was bleeding pretty bad.” Dico shrugged and pulled open the massive refrigerator door to peruse its contents. “Where is Holly anyhow? I’ve got her tickets.”

“Tickets? Where’s she going?” I asked, heart inexplicably jumping.

“She’s going to Berlin. Don’t ask me why, but that’s where she’s going.” Dico shrugged and I frowned. We had a festival to play in Berlin in four days.

“When’s she going?”

“Three days,” Dico said, gulping down half of a can of Coke. “She’s not going to be back until the twenty-first though.” She was planning on being gone twenty days. We had a string of festivals that lasted until the twentieth. “Bam, do you know why Holly’s going to Berlin and not coming back till the end of June?” Dico asked, tossing the empty can of soda into the trash.

“I know she’s going, but she won’t tell me why. She just says ‘I want to’ and leaves it at that.” Bam said, dabbing at Dunn’s bloody nose with a napkin. Dunn winced violently and Bam threw the rag at him. “Clean it up yourself, then.” He sighed loudly, turned to me and Dico. “I don’t know why she’s going to Germany and staying there for nearly a month. I don’t know and I don’t want to know. She’s probably got some German dish waiting to fuck her brains out or something.” He shrugged. “Your guess is as good as mine…”


“Dico, you are a savior, darling.” I hugged Dico firmly when he dropped me off at the airport. “I don’t know what I’d do without you,” I kissed him noisily before turning to pluck my Chanel purse and Coach bag off the ground to board the plane. “Thanks for being such a pal,”

“Anytime, dear.” He patted my shoulder awkwardly and I grinned, unable to resist kissing him once more. “Okay, all right. No more kisses.”

“Sorry Dic, I just couldn’t resist.” I hugged him as the call to board came over the PA system. “Okay, I’ll see you in a month.”

“Have fun in Germany.”


pennsylvania, miss, valo, holly blair margera, bam margera, april margera, finland, drained but aching for more, misssixty-nine, ville, villevalo

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