
Oct 06, 2007 23:35

ich bin mall so frei und klau von Char mall das Game!XD

J-Rock game

01. Who was the first J-rock Band you heard?
Dir en grey

02. Who's the most recent J-rock Band you've heard?

03. Who's your favorite J-rock Band?
Moi dix Mois

04. Name 5 other Bands you Like:
D, HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR, D'espairsRay, SuG, Abingdon boys school

06. Are you a fangirl/boy?

07. If yes, of Who?

08. Do you cosplay?
Will ich gerne, habe aber noch nie....

09. Who?
K (Moi dix Mois)

10. Do you like Dir en grey?
Schon, aber nicht so arg!

11. Are you a Toshiya fangirl?
Es geht..

12. How about Kaoru?

13. Die?

14. Kyo?
HAI *sabba*

15. Shinya?
Es geht!

16. What's your favorite Deg song?
Doozing Green!

17. Do you like visual bands or non-visual bands?
Ist mir egal! Hauptsache die Music Gefält mir!

18. What's the first J-rock song you heard?
Dir en grey - THE FINAL

19. What's the last song you heard?
Nur HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR die complette disco!

20. Do you buy J-rock magazines?
Will ich gerne.. bin ja der letzte arsch der keine hat;__________________________;

21. What's your favorite?
Fool´s Mate, ganz klar!

22. Have you ever been to any J-rock concerts?
nur eins...bald kommt das zweite^^

23. Which ones?

24. What would you do if you saw any J-rocker walking down the street in your town?
Erstmall doof glotzen.. danach ihn vieleicht(wenn ich mich draue) ihn ansprechen und mit ihm reden^^

25. Which three Jrockers are you most in love with?
K (Moi dix Mois), Asagi(D), Yusuke(HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR), Tsukasa manchmall Karyu^^ (D'espairsRay), Mikaru (DIO), Takeru(SuG), Ju-Ken (GACKT) and many more^^

26. Which three Jrockers would you most love to meet in person (Dead or alive)?
K, Asagi und Yusuke^^

27. What are the three things you would like to say to/ask them?
*schweig* *an meinem verbotten traum denk* *nasenbluten*

28. Which three Jrockers can you relate to most?

29. Which four Jrock songs do you constantly replay?
Moi dix Mois = forbidden, NeoPersimisst and unmoved.
D = yami yori kurai doukoku no a cappella to bara yori akai younetsu no aria, Ouka Saki Some ni Keri, Die letzte Nacht, Schwarzschild, Humanoid.
HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR = Ichirin no Hana, Pride, DIVE into YOURSELF, RUN RUN RUN, Dream, Tsumi.

30. Do you currently have a Jrocker computer background?
Moi dix Mois news WITH outfit Wallpaper^^

31. Which Jrocker would you most like to get fashion/makeup advice from?

32. Do you read Jrock fan fiction?

33. What is your favorite Jrocker related dream?
OH!!!!! ein sehr ÜBER 18 draum! (Hehe~ Yusuke and K^^^^^^^^^XD*nasenbluten*)

34. How many Jrock MP3s do you have?

35. And, finally, if you could sleep with any three Jrockers, who would they be?

Current desktop picture: Moi dix Mois
Current book you're reading: Keins!
Current CD in your CD-Player: Keins!
Current color of toenails: ..nö!
Current refreshment: nani?
Current worry: IB!
Current clothes: Nur meine jooging hose^^
Current mood: Aufgedreht!
Current music: HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR - Tsumi
Current taste: No
current make-up: Nie!
current hair: schwarze mit 2 roten fläschen^^
current annoyance: nix!
current smell: Cola!

so das wars!!XDD
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