Do You Love Me?

Jul 28, 2007 20:40

Do You Love Me?

By VillesPrincess

Rating: PG (for mild language)
Summary:  David and Mike have been together for years, David loves Mike, but does Mike feel the same?
Note:  These are originaly characters.  This clip popped into my head an yelled at me to write it, so i did.  I think it turned out alright.

“Yes, I know all of that, but do you love me Mike?” David was becoming annoyed on top of being scared that his lover really didn't fell the same as he did. Mike had just finished saying how much he loved their relationship, but he just ignored the main point of David's question. David was beginning to feel like it was pointless to even try to prize the truth from him anymore. Tears were stinging the back of his eyes and he knew that if he didn't get an answer soon, he was going to have to accept his defeat and just end this... whatever it was that he had with Mike. It would kill him to do so, but it would tear him to shreds everyday if he didn't feel the same and he just continued torturing himself by continuing the relationship. He had been worrying himself sick about it for months. It started out at first as just a tiny twinge. A “what if” type thing. It grew every day after that. He began watching Mike and noticed that he seemed to become more distant as the days past. As if he was hiding something. The twinge turned into fear and the fear soon became all consuming. He couldn't sleep anymore. He tried desperately to convince himself that he was making things up, imagining things and that Mike really did love him, but the fear already had a tight grip on him and no matter how hard he tried to beat it off, it wouldn't let go.

They were lying on their bed in David's room. Mike lying on his back with his hands folded over his chest and staring up at the ceiling, while David was propped up on his elbow, his pillow tucked under him as he stared intently at his lover. The room was silent other than the ceiling fan above, mixing the air in the room, and the noise of their breathing. Finally he couldn't take it anymore and he broke the silence. “Mike?” he paused, “Mike, will you please answer me?” he pleaded. 'oh gods am I really so desperate that I will plead now? Please say that he will just answer and end my misery'. Silence again descended on the room. Mike continued to stare at the ceiling and David continued to stare at him. Then Mike shifted and blinked.

“Dav, I...” he paused and shifted again.

'Oh gods! No! He...'

“I have been stressed lately and,” he tried to continue but was interrupted.

“Mike! Would you please stop avoiding the question and just tell me the truth!”

“Damn it, will you just let me finish?”

David nodded and looked at him to go on.

“I have been... kinda avoiding you. I have just been so nervous about something and I didn't know how to bring it up.” he paused for a moment and looked into the deep gold eyes that he had come to adore to see if he understood, but all he saw was hurt and confusion. He wanted to kiss the hurt away, but he wouldn't let himself, not until he was sure about the situation. It was apparent that David loved him. He could see that so plainly in his sweet eyes, but was he willing to do what Mike wanted? Was he willing to go that far? “Davie, I....” he paused once again and turned over to face his nightstand and opened the drawer and pulled something small out of it. He curled his fist around it and then got off of the bed. He walked over to David's side of the bed and reached the free hand out for him to take. His golden eyes shimmered with uncertainty but he took the proffered hand and stood. “Davie, I do love you. This last month I have been trying to find the perfect moment to ask you this, but it just hasn't happened. This isn't the romantic moment that I was hoping for, but it is as good a time as any I suppose.” His hands shook nervously as he got down on one knee in front of the man that he loved. He took a deep calming breath and slowly opened the fist that contained the small item, offering it up to his lover. “Will you marry me David?”

David was speechless. All he had seen in the past month and a half had convinced him that Mike was going to leave him. That he might have already found someone else. All he had wanted to know is if he felt the same way as he did. He stared into the pools of beautiful sky blue below him and finally saw the love pouring from them. He was serious! He really wanted to marry him! It was so unbelievable! So wonderful and so perfect that the tears of pain that had been threatening to fall, turned into tears of joy and he shed them freely. He nodded slowly, not being able to find his voice for a moment and when it finally came to him he burst out the answer. “Yes! Yes I will marry you!” His face shined with happiness underneath his tears as Mike slipped the silver ring onto his finger. Then he fell down onto his own knees and pulled his new fiancée into a tight hug. “Do you know how worried I was? Gods I was so scared that you didn't feel the same as I did!”

He felt Mike nod and heard his deep voice whisper how sorry he was and how it was all his fault that he felt that way. After the apologies and proclamations of love, David finally pulled away slightly from his lover's form. “You do know that I have to punish you now? You have been such a bad boy.” A mischievous glint shone in his perfect eyes as he wiped the half dry tears from his face and Mike knew that “punishment” was going to be one hell of a lot of fun.

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