The week of Roleplaying

Mar 17, 2011 21:59

Title: The week of Roleplaying
Authors: Villesbaby
Summary: They roleplay for a week straight.
Pairing: Ville/OFC
Rating: Ill say 'R' even though it may be NC-17
Disclaimer: Own nothing, totally made up.

Cris squeezed her eyes shut as her bedroom door opened. She willed herself back to sleep, she willed herself into a black, feeling-less place where she could hide until it was all over.

She was yanked to the center of the bed. Her breathing staggered as she fought back tears in her closed eyes. He, Ville, had come into her room every night for the last week. Ripped off her PJs, spread her legs and raped her into the late morning hours. Then when he was done, he'd leave. Leaving her sobbing, sticky, sore and totally broken. Cris didn't know what set Ville off to rape her, but whatever it was, she wished she could take it back. She had loved him once and she knew deep inside a protected area of her soul, she did still love him. But not the him that raped her.

"How's my little bitch tonight, hm?" Ville huskied, ripping open her band's latest t-shirt.

Cris yelped, turning her head away.

Ville growled, gripping her by the jaw, making her face back to him. "I asked you a question." He hissed, his nails digging into the skin of her flushed cheeks.

Cris was too afraid to answer him, instead she let the tears she held back fall. In the nights Ville came in, Cris had held in her tears until he left and even then she hid her face in her pillow, muffling her sobs. But tonight she couldn't.

Ville's grip softened, "Aw, Cris." He whispered, kissing at her tears as they streamed down her face. "There's no reason to cry tonight." His words only made her cry harder. Ville stopped kissing her cheeks and wiped his thumbs under her reddening eyes, wiping the new tears away as he did.

"It's ok, my little butterfly." He whispered queitly. He sat back between her legs, pulling her into his arms and lap, Ville craddled her like a crying infant. "Hush, it's alright. I'm not going to hurt you tonight."

She didn't believe him. He sounded just like Cooper, when they dated in high school. Cooper would be sweet and loving one moment, then beating her the next and before she knew it he'd be apologising and kissing her. It was like Cooper had poessesed Ville out of nowhere. She gripped Ville's Elvis shirt in her trembling fist. He was going to turn on her, she knew it, she just knew it. Ville pulled on her legs, so they wrapped around his waist, he rubbed his cheek against the top of her hair. Postioning her head with his hands, so her face was hidden in his warm neck, he rocked and sang...

"I am the thorns in every rose you've been sent,
By hope I am the nightmare waking you up from
the dream of a dream."

His hand glided over her cheek and tucked a long strand of her loose hair behind her little pink ear. He stopped rocking and scooted off the bed. Instantly, Cristina freaked out, yelling and pushing herself away from him. Ville held on tightly to her waist with one arm as he stood up. Bending over he laid her back against her bed, his free hand held her head still under her chin, so she was forced to look him in the eyes.

"You listen to me and listen very carefully," He commanded her in a calm voice. "If you don't calm down this instant, I'm going to change my mind about not fucking you through the universe and do it on top of something else I know you won't like at all. I don't mind you crying, even though frankly it upsets me to see tears in those beautiful eyes and I sort of like to see you cry, you look even more gorgeous with them trickling down your pretty flushed cheeks and how they make you already bright blue eyes brighter. But, I WILL NOT tolerate you yelling, screaming and fighting like that. Do I make myself clear?"

Cris pressed her chaped lips together and trembled, "Ye..yes." she sniveled.

Ville's eyes softened more and he kissed her in the middle of the forehead. "Good, I'm glad." he said picking her back up. Cris wrapped her right arm around his neck and rested her right cheek on his shoulder, her face away from his. She lightly sucked on the middle knuckle of her left pointer finger, trying to keep herself from crying again as he took her out of her room.

His hand rubbed her bare back as they went down the hall. Her ripped shirt still laid on her bed, so she only had on her black bra and plaid pjs, that were pulled over her basketball shorts. Her hair was loose in the flip up it was usually in from when Ville yanked her to him in her bed.

"Where are we going?" She whimpered, she hadn't realized how long her hallways seemed until now.

"Shh," Ville hushed her, patting her back more than gently. She could feel the handprint he left sting as they came to a stop at the room that was his when he stayed at her house.

Going into the room and locking the door, Ville laid Cris down on his messy bed. "Will you stay put for me like a good little girl?"

Cris nodded, still sucking on her knuckle. Ville smiled, rubbing her lean stomach. "Good." He walked away into the walk-in closet. Cris's eyes flickered over to the bedroom door. She vaguely considered how long it would take her to get to the door, unlock it and run downstairs and out the front door, so she could run two houses down to her brother Erik's house. But she knew, no matter Ville's asthama problem, he was a fast runner as could easily catch her before she hit the top of the stairs.

"You're thinking of running are you, Jaia?" Ville's matter-of-fact voice came, drawing her attention back to him as he came out of the closet.

She shook her head vigorously at him.

"I hope not." He said, setting items down on the bed next to her. "It's cold in here, isn't it?" He turned towards the thermostate, as he did Cris looked at what he set down next to her. A thick black collar with a big silver loop for a leash to be attached too, a dark blue leash and two other items she didn't recognise.

"I don't want you to get cold. Even though I don't think that'll be a problem, but just in case." Ville turned the heat as far as it would go. He turned back to her. "I like you sucking on your finger." he smiled leaning over her. "You look incredibly adorable. Like a puppy." His lips ghosted over her neck, making her shiver and gasp lightly.

He bit down on her neck making her yell and press down on his shoulders. Snapping upright, Ville grabbed a fistful of her hair, yanking her up into a sitting position. Cris's eyes glassed over as she bit her lip to keep fresh tears from falling.

"Talk to me." He slightly hissed, pulling her head back.

Cris gulped, "Wh--what?" she panted.

"I said, Talk to me!!" He yelled yanking her head to the side.

"I...I...I....I d-don't know wha-what ta-ta..." she closed her eyes trying to focuse. "to talk, talk about." she stuttered out.

"Anything, Cris. Anything that comes to your mind." He said, sootheingly.

Cris licked her lips, looking at him down her tilted up face. "Wh--" She took a slow breath. "Why?" she asked.

"Why what?" he still sounded soothing.

"Why are doing this?"

Ville pulled her towards him, his face inches from hers, "Why you ask?"

"Ye-yes, Ville. Why?" She answered. "Why are you doing this? What have I done for you to do this? Have I upset you somehow?" Her face contorted as a strong urge to cry washed over her.

Ville sighed slowly, letting her go. "You haven't upset me, Cris. You've never upset me, never done anything to deserve what I'm doing to you. But, it's because of that, that I'm doing it."

"I don't understand." She whispered.

Ville picked up the black collar and put it around her neck. "Of course you don't, sweetie. But I'll make you." he said fastening the collar.

"You see I'm doing this because you've done everything right for me and I don't know how to deal with that. So, I'm dealing with it by doing things to you that may eventually lead you to upset me." he explianed, playing with the silver loop.

"What are you going to do?" she dare ask.

Ville smiled twistedly. "What I've been doing." he answered, pushing her back.

"But...but you said you weren't going..." Ville cut her off.

"I said I wasn't going to fuck you through the universe and I'm not." he said pulling her pjs, shorts and underwear off all in one motion.

"Please, Ville." Cris begged.

"Would you rather me too? I mean I know from the last few nights you must be sore and if I repeated myself it only make it worse." he told her. "I'm just trying to be nice." He grabbed her by the collar and pulled her up by it a bit. "Do you not want me to be nice, Jaia?" he growled at her, narrowing his eyes.

Cris looked at him like a deer in headlights, "I want you to be nice to me, Ville." she winced in fear. Ville let go of the collar, letting her drop back to the bed.

"I thought so."

Standing up Ville went to the bathroom, came back, then stripped himself of his clothing. As he did all that, Cris closed her eyes and silently prayed to Buddha, her god, for strength to get through this. But something else in her, maybe the scared voice that formed when she was with Cooper, screamed for her to run. Her mind said no, but her body didn't listen. As fast as she could her got up and out of bed. She made it a third of the way to the door before Ville's big hand wrapped around the back of her collar, stopping her dead and choking her a bit. Ville spun her around and slapped her across the face, sending her tumbling to the hardwood floor.

"Now, Cristina. I thought you said you wanted to be good and for me to be nice." He mocked, swqatting in front of her. "How is that suppose to happen if you run and I have punish you for it?" he asked.

Cris shook her head, licking her split lip, which luckily didn't bleed.

"Yeah, you see the problem with it now."

She looked up at him, anger in her eyes. "Does it upset you?" She growled. "That I'd rather run then to do it with you."

Ville looked at her with suprised amusement, "It doesn't upset me at all, actually and I know that somewhere in you, you love me."

Cris's eyesbrows knitted in confusion momentarily. "Oh yeah, baby. I know. It's not hard to see and realize. 'Cause if you didn't you would have been running to Erik the first night."

She let out a short breath. "And now I have to punish you before we can do it." he shook his head. "What a shame you have to be so upset for it."

"Why don't wait til after?" She hissed weakly, looking to the floor.

"Oh no. That'll just give you the wrong idea." he lightly chuckled. "It's like giving the child candy, then punishing him because he spoiled his dinner."

Ville lifted her chin, biting his lip as he looked at her. She was trying so hard to hid the fear in her eyes from him with anger, but it wasn't working. "I hate to hurt you. I want you to know that. I know that you don't believe me for what I've done and what I'm going to do. But you have to learn not to defy me." He let his fingers slip from her chin as he stood.

Pulling his boxers back on, he looked back down at her. "Get up, now, Cris." He said encouragingly.

Cris didn't move, she just tensed more.

"Cris, please. If I have to pick you up..." He let the threat linger with her.

Sighing unevenly, Cris got to her feet. Ville cupped her cheek in the palm of his hand. "Thank you." He whispered, pulling her into his embrace. She wiped her nose on the side of her arm as she settled against his chest. She looked at the clock on the bedside table. It had only been an hour since he started all this.

Only an hour. She thought.

Pulling her back with him as he moved back to the edge of the bed. Sitting down, Ville left her standing. He tilted his head to the side, looking up at her as she still stared at the clock. Reaching up and grabbing her collar again, he pulled her across his knees. Cris shuttered a breath when she finally realized what her punishment was. He was going to spank her. She felt her cheeks heat with humiluation already.

"If you relax yourself, it won't hurt as much." He whispered, soothing his hand up and down her body from the top over her back to the back of her knee.

"There are rules to this, okay, Cris." he said, leaving enough time for her to nod. "You have to stay as still as possible and as queit as possible." He explained. "Do you understand?" She nodded again.

There was a moment of pause, before the first slap rang out around the room. Cris let out a very soft grunt as the pain set in across her butt. She was a petite person, 110lbs, so she had a little butt. Ville's single hand alone covered more than 50% of her butt, making the slap that much worse. After several slaps she let her body go limp. Ville only paused a milisecond.

"Are you okay?" he asked, concern lined his Finnish accent.

"Yes." Cris squeaked.

Ville smiled and spanked her again.

Tears dripped from her eyes and onto the floor as the spanking seemed to last forever. Finally, though, came Ville's last slap, the hardest of them all. Cris had to bite down hard to keep the scream from ripping through her. Ville let her lay limp across his thighs, shaking, trembling, sniffing and hiccupping.

"Okay, you can move." he said lightly touching her on the hip.

Cris slid from his lap and onto her knees on the floor in front of him.

"No," he sounded hurt. "Come here, Cris." He said, opening his arms. Cris moved into his lap, he opened his legs enough for her butt to hang comfortably between them. He pushed the sweaty, tear soaked locks of hair from her face as she rested her forehead against the top of his shoulder.

He laid back, still holding her. "I'm sorry." He said as her body trembled with new tears. "I'm so sorry." he said again stroking her hair.

They laid there for awhile, before Ville rolled over on her. He easily re-lost his boxers to the floor. Cris shuttered and closed her legs a few inches as Ville prepared her.

"Relax, Cris, don't hurt yourself." Ville warned.

Cris relaxed her legs back open. "That's a good girl." he whispered, finishing.

"No, rush this time." He said, pushing into her.

"Are you going to leave me again?" Cris asked in a child's voice, rolling her eyes shut, as he settled in the right spot.

Ville kissed her, "No, baby. I'm not. I'm gunna stay right here with you after."


Cris jerked up right in bed, falling out as she did. As she landed on the floor in a thump, she became aware of the pain in her thighs, ass, back and neck. Reaching up, searching for the collar, it was gone, but the pain was real and she was naked.

Ville sat up in bed feeling her sit up and hearing her hit the floor. "Cris, Are you all right? What happen?" He asked leaning over the edge of the bed. Cris's eyes shot to him, he was naked! Jumping to her feet, she moved away from him. Ville got out of bed as she backed away.

"Cristina, Talk to me." he tried to calm her by reaching out to her, but she ran to the other side of the bed.

"Don't come near me." She panicked.

"Okay, just breathe, Cris. Calm down." Ville said seeing her panic.

"Don't tell me what to do, Ville."

"Baby, please tell me what's wrong. I'll fix it, I promise." He begged.

Something caught Cris's attention out of the corner of her eye. Looking to the bedstand on Villle's side of the bed, laying on top of the clock was the collar. Her eyes went back to Ville's. He had seen her look at the collar and realized what was wrong. Her mind had convinced her that everything they had been doing at night the last few days was real. He was semi relieved, but now he had to convince her otherwise, that what actually happened was part of them wanting to try out roleplay after watching one of the porn movies, Ville's dad had given him years ago. But he didn't know how to do that. So, sitting down at the corner of the bed, he stared at her trying to think.

"Cris, it's not what you think." He finally said, settling on the bare, straight to the point truth.

Cris shifted her weight to one leg, basically telling Ville with her body, 'oh yeah'. He sighed. "Please sit down." he whispered picking at the bedsheet. Cris sighed upset and plopped down on the bed, far from him.

"Again, it's not what you think." he repeated.

"So, it didn't happen." she said with an attitude. "I'm just over reacting."

"No, it happened and yeah, you sorta are." he told her, looking up at her. She narrowed her eyes at him. "Just think about everything that happened, Cris. Analyze it or as you tell me, 'look at it from a clearer point of view'."

Cris closed her eyes, clearing her bias out of her head and looking at all clearer. She went through everything in the last 6 days. As she did new things popped up, like Ville drawing her warm baths to help with her sore muscles, waking up to him the morning after, even though he had left before she fell asleep, the way he made sure she understood things before he did them, like when he spanked her the night before and how he soothed and cared for her before and after. But the biggest thing was that Ville wouldn't normally do those things, hurt her and be so mean to her. He wouldn't have done it unless it was something she really, REALLY wanted and was ok with. It had all been staged.

She opened her eyes again and Ville was sitting in front of her. She tried to form words with her mouth, but nothing came out. So, she throw her arms around him. Ville kissed her cheek, hugging her back.

"I'm sorry." She finally managed to say.

"It's okay, Cris. You just got really into is all." he said hugging her tighter.

story, role playing

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