Mar 03, 2009 21:34
So I was at the grocery store on my way home from work because I was starving and I really wanted a veggie burger and decided it was better for my heart/wallet to buy some and make them than to go the Burger Fuel route, and I heard "Car Wash" and it reminded me of Psych. And then I realized it wasn't "Car Wash" playing and I felt silly. So I came home and my flatmate got in at the same time and he made nachos and we watched Mythbusters and then we changed the channel and PSYCH WAS ON. HOW FREAKY IS THAT?
Also, how weird is it that they play Psych in New Zealand? I approve. I also learned that SkyTV gets Comedy Central on April 1st, and I'm supposed to move out on March 9th, but maybe I'll change my mind because I could stay and get The Daily Show. Jon Stewart vs. South Island. DECISIONS.
And then I found The Daily Show on TV here, but it's not on until 10:30 and I was like, "What can I watch in the meantime?" and flicked and found The X-Files is on! ...At 10:30. So then I was like, "OH GOD, X-FILES VS. THE DAILY SHOW, WHAT TO CHOOSE" and then I was like, "The Daily Show, obviously, because it has new episodes and The X-Files does not." And then I thought, "What if they were BOTH episodes that I'd seen? How to choose between two beloved shows!" and then I was like, "Duh, whichever episode I like the best!" So THEN (I know, typing it out it seems crazy to me, too) I was like, "OK. Ted Hitler episode vs. the second half of that 2-parter where Mulder is stuck in Michael McKean's body. Or the one after Dick Cheney shot that guy in the face vs. the one with Big Blue! OR..." and on and on I went. So I introduce to you, dear Livejournal, the most important television poll...ever:
Poll Throwdown
the x-files,
the daily show