Delightful things my friends say

Apr 14, 2008 22:28

1. So I got home this afternoon, on my break between work and class (I use it to shower, usually, because I always think I smell like milk and coffee shop when I get done working at....the coffee shop...) and I had this message on IM from Ben:

Ben: Hry, do you like Joni Mitchell?
ItsAnAdjective : Allie C: i thought we were BFF but you made a fool of me.
Ben: You might like her.

That seems like the silliest thing, but I'm both amused by this sort of "Hey, have you heard of this new artist"-type comment because it's JONI MITCHELL and simultaneously, I'm flattered that he thinks so highly of my musical tastes that he'd hear Joni Mitchell and think, "Kate'd like this, I think."

2. So last night I wrote the lyrics to "Can't Fight this Feeling" by REO Speedwagon on Jim's facebook wall (and sent the rest of the lyrics to him over IM) and he responded by writing the lyrics to what Erin says is a Flight of the Conchords song on my wall. I dunno, but I do know that reading
"Oh, I'm not crying
No, there's just a little bit of dust in my eye
That's from the path that you made when you said your goodbye
I'm not weeping because you won't be here to hold my hand"
makes me giggle so much.

Anyway, that's the round-up of things that've made me smile today. Well, a short one. Because there was pie in my seminar (there are always treats and, to be honest, I prefer the cookies or the brownies, but there's something about pie that's so delightful) and there was Nich at work for 5 1/2 of my 6 1/2 hours and there was a discussion about politics in my religion class and there was the usual joy of Monday practices, but these are shareable joys.

Also, do you think it's possible to find Aimee Mann's cover of James Taylor's "Shed a Little Light" from when she was on The West Wing (4.03 "College Kids, the very end of it at the Rock the Vote rally where CJ looks adorable and gives an adorable speech and I love it when she speaks)? I was hoping she'd released it, because her voice does great things to the song, but I can't find it. Anyway, just thought I'd mention.

And last night I totally located oodles of new icons, how exciting is that? Yeah, that plus all this = I haven't touched my English paper that's due tomorrow and time is running low. Ah, well, I'm a senior.

tv, politics, fencers, friends, music

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