Mar 03, 2005 22:20
I am sooooo excited about my classes spring quarter, I am going to quite possibly be overloaded but it's the last quarter I won't have a job, so I am going to work my but off in school. I will be taking agb 212 (ag econ), agb 310 (ag credit finance), math 221 (bus calc.), hist 207 (american something or other), and chem 110 (basic intro the world of Chem.). I am really excited because as I see it even though some of them may be boring at times, they are all of interest to me. But ya, lets see how this quarter pans out, I just want to pass all my classes, then life will be swell, next quarter is going to be soooo much better! Anyway, gotta go to bed, staying up for my roommie so I know she gets back safe, but I am so tired functioning normal is not happening, hello tv land! Here I come! I hope everyone has a great Friday and a great weekend! Share the Love.