sica, be quiet!

Oct 17, 2011 03:24

In which I pretend that these are not basically all recycled tumblr posts:

+ If I were maybe possibly having Infinite feelings, it would definitely be because of Sungjong, HE IS SUCH A BRAT *____* The two seconds of screen time he gets in Paradise and Be Mine are quantifiably the best because you know he practices the (what are supposed to be) ~*sexy*~ looks in front of a mirror daily. And if the camera happens to fall on him by chance, there he is STARING INTENSELY. It is so creepy. I love it.

+ The only tv shows I regularly keep up with are Parks and Rec and Pan Am (ughhhhhhhhhhh so bright and dumb and fun in the way it hits some of my favorite aesthetic kinks, it's like candy and I legitimately love all the ladies [and not in an obligatory MUST LOVE THE WOMEN way] I just love watching the four women interact and that they're allowed to both disagree with and build each other up and also they're pretty!!) and I haven't even watched the last episode of Pan Am. TV IS HARD. Also I can't be bothered with Downton Abbey? At least not until the season ends and then maybe I'll marathon it???? Tumblr makes jokes about how first season drama centered around, like, flower shows and that would literally be the height of conflict and now it's just devastation and misery; honestly, the smaller scope worked a thousand times better for the show. Like, admittedly, I'm seeing all of this secondhand from tumblr but everything this season is so telegraphed. (...Mary and Matthew still have really good faces though, don't get me wrong)

+ The real reason for this excuse of a post though: CAPTAIN AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Remember the time I watched it months after it was originally released and was spoiled for the ending and STILL CRIED? Oh, god, I have no room for these feelings and yet. and yet. AND YET. There they are, stubbornly clawing their way through my heart. Like I wish someone could explain to me my deeply visceral reaction to this movie. WHY DO I LOVE IT SO MUCH. (tbh I feel like I should clarify that I've only seen it once and can't even begin to process it ~critically~ and even though, yeah, Steve is all about defending the innocent the movie itself never properly examines what it means to have this white dude be designated as CAPTAIN AMERICA soooo. also, Natalie Dormer's character. WHAT WAS THAT. From the ten minutes of Tudors and the handful of Silk episodes I've watched she has a good face! that people should be using! for more than just eye candy!)

Anyway if you want to talk about Captain America coherently then I am not that person! But if you want to talk about how Hayley Atwell as a person and Hayley Atwell as Peggy Carter are forever perfect and poised and darling then yeah, I would be willing to humor you. Like 90% of my Captain America feelings are Hayley Atwell shaped feelings. Which is what makes this so fucking painful--I don't care about the Avengers (FUCK THE AVENGERS mostly bc I don't care about dudes being bros). I'm probably not going to care about Captain America 2 if it's set present-day. They're toying with a WWII-era concept too, I think, but it would be set before the ending of the first film so Steve's fucking time warp can still happen. I GUESS A UNIVERSE THAT CAN HANDLE A NORSE GOD AND TONY STARK CAN'T HANDLE TIME TRAVEL?!?!?!

Either way though, IT SUCKS TO BE ME because even in the comics Peggy is this random that Steve hooks up with before traveling to the future and shacking up with Peggy's niece/younger sister/whatever relation she is. And also she's old and in a retirement home? Why is the one fictional comic book character I'm emotionally invested in also the only one who actually ages???

Augh she is so perf. Why would you relegate her to a nursing home.

And Steve!!!! STEVE. Just a kid from Brooklyn. He hates bullies. I don't want these feelings, I WISH TO PERISH.

I love tiny Steve most of all. Half of my reaction to this scene was secondhand embarrassment oh my god Steve you dummy and the other half was OH MY GOD STEVE YOU DUMMY ♥_____♥ lol I am sorry I am such a sucker for these good guy tropes, whateverrr. (Other dopey things he did: putting Peggy's picture in his compass or w/e, which is--??? KIND OF CREEPY, honestly, but I can appreciate the symbolism.) And now I'm forever going to be fond of Chris Evans just because he played Captain America that one time. God, I really do hate my life.

Anyway, yes! ummmmm I maybe had other feelings like wow Dominic Cooper, way to make me care about a Stark and also Sebastian Stan was there and he was cool too, I guess. Oh and STEVE HAD A DATE TO GO DANCING AND ALSO BANGING WITH PEGGY so fuck you universe :((((((((((((((((((((((((( Look, all I want is for every single Captain America movie to be about Steve and Peggy BEING SPIES and banging and occasionally traveling through time and going on missions without their superiors' knowledge (that one is all Rachna btw) and for Peggy to shoot at Steve whenever he is being a dumbass. And also for there to be a thousand of these movies.

lol what is with me and my sudden investment in movies? I DON'T CARE ABOUT MOVIES

kpops, captain america, downton abbey, pan am

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