Aug 04, 2007 13:40

busybusybusy. see below:

my debut mutus liber full length, provided with eyes, thou departest is complete and coming out this month on Laughing Bride Media. the "CD Release show" for the album is August 23rd @ Soundlab with NADJA & Beta Cloud. The brand new Beta Cloud disc, Nephology (also out on Laughing Bride) will be available as well. both albums feature my artwork. i will also be making a quick trip to Brooklyn next weekend to play a set at a small art space with my good friend Bill Abdale's new project Ästen. Bill also plays with Ryan and I in Teeth So Sharp. i will also be contributing a track to the first Sentient Recognition Archive compilation, Psychoacoustics: Indirect Perception. the split with vowels will finally see the light of day this winter, as well as a brand new disc for ANNIHILVS and a collaboration with Kenji Siratori.

NOVELIST has a live CD-R you may now purchase. the disc is called "Where No Life Moved" and consists of a single 37 minute track recorded April 25th of this year. this is a limited release, so order now from our profile. the more we sell, the sooner we can present you with our long-in-the-works full-length Drosera. we are also planning a split release with the Italian group UR (not to be confused with the Secret Chiefs 3 offshoot). watch for that in late winter. we have 2 upcoming Buffalo appearances, both of which are quite exciting. first up is September 12th with the mighty CIRCLE from Finland. if you are unfamiliar with them, do yourself a favor and check out one of their plenitude of excellent releases. one of my favorite bands working today. also playing this show is Brooklyn's Endless Boogie. after that, our good friends in Prize Country will be returning to Buffalo at the Mohawk Place on October 8th. the rest of the lineup is being finalized as we speak. additionally, there are 2 brand new demos that you can stream on "Four Removed" and "Improvisation Two" - these tracks explore a more sparse and free sound than the tracks on Drosera. there are also discussions about integrating stand-up bass (!) and trumpet (!) into a live set or a recording at some point this fall.

we are also proud to announce that a second TEETH SO SHARP show will be taking place in Buffalo September 1st. TEETH SO SHARP is myself, Ryan McMullen & Bill Abdale. we play through an entire backline of full-stacks at deafening volumes. our first show was December 29th of last year- an event that was recorded and will be coming out as our self-titled debut this fall on Bad Drone Media. I constructed the artwork for this release from stills taken from the video that the wonderful Miss Jax Deluca created especially for this event. we have some exciting plans for the second show as well, so keep checking back as that event comes together. there are also tentative plans for a Brooklyn performance in the near future.

on the design front, i am currently working on projects for Scott Slimm's wonderful Archive label (Suishou No Fune & Heavy Winged), Queen City Station and recently completed a number of projects for Laughing Bride Media. you can keep up to date on these projects and check out some older designs on both the Arsenal Studios page and my personal site.

i have also recently relocated to DOOMcave 2.0 in the city (with my wonderful & gorgeous lady Holly) and started a new full-time job that is keeping me even busier.

thanks for reading/listening/coming to shows. hope to see you at the following upcoming events:

August 11th: mutus liber & Ästen in Brooklyn. details TBA.
August 23rd: NADJA, Beta Cloud & mutus liber (CD release show for provided with eyes, thou departest @ Soundlab
September 1st: TEETH SO SHARP & Special Guests @ Soundlab
September 12th: CIRCLE, Endless Boogie & NOVELIST @ Soundlab
October 8th: Prize Country, NOVELIST, more TBA @ Mohawk Place.
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