Down Down Down

May 25, 2008 23:16

Hello there LJers,
This time it's only been about a month between posts rather than the last gap of like 3 months. So just as I get into a decent position myself to live life and get back into school, the rest of the world falls apart. For those whose only tap into my existence is this journal, let me fill you in on the latest happenings, or at least as much as I'm allowed. Me First (& The Gimme Gimmes).
I currently am a Property Manager for Public Storage. This means that I'm the Manager of my own store and I have a lacky or two and I answer to the District Manager. It pays decent, I could live off it, circa $25k a year. Unfortunately, being surrounded by people who make 2 to 3 times that, I can not be content. So, I've enrolled in online courses and should have an associates in business administration sometime in the next year and a half. Good for me. Things are slowly progressing with Lily, but I'll take any progression I can get. I still find her fascinating and am strongly attracted to her, and we'll leave it at that for now. Did I mention I get to ride a golf cart around all day? Yeah, thats pretty much awesome, more so than you think.
Anyway, To the rest of things. My family is falling apart. I miss TV's Jason Jackson. The Education system is retarded and thinks I'm still a dependent even though I've filed as an independent for the last two years on my taxes and I no longer live with, near, or off of my parents. I'm learning I'm more like both of my parents than I thought. My family is falling apart. I discovered (or made up) that Lily likes me more than I originally thought and by not being intimate and/or sharing with me she's trying to protect our current relationship. Which is all fine and dandy but if you don't take the chance you'll never know.
With even these few things I'm finding it hard to concentrate on anything. Its eating away at the mid-section of my mind. It's like everything has swelled to the top of my head and I just need to be properly squeezed to get it all out. Maybe I can convince Lily to give me a massage or something, that could help.
And Just last week I was thinking how everything was going fine and working out.

Way to Jinx it Mike, Jeez.
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