I did get outside on to the side patio this week end, and it felt good to make some forward progress. After a certain point, it being a pretty hot day, I headed back in, and was a bit nervous about the step up into the house. It is hard for me to lift my legs, and I am unsure of having enough strength when balanced on one leg to get the other one up. I think I am still nervous from the fall I had when Joe and Max were here, and I have been cautious about new motions that might not work for me. I was glad to have Steven, the husband of Lorinda, one of Gail's coworkers here. Steven has been doing some handyman work around our house lately. He has done a really good job for us, and seems to be quite tuned in to our current needs. One of the first jobs he did was to put hand rails in our shower stall, and this has really improved my ability to relax and enjoy the shower. Until we got those handles in, I was not really aware of how tense I was when taking a shower, for fear of falling. I just felt somewhat exhausted when I got out as opposed to relaxed, which is how it goes now when I take a shower with the aid of those handles. Anyhow, Steven is a big guy, and I felt secure with him spotting me when I got back into the room.
As well as getting a chance to get outside and participate in a fun get together and picnic, we got got some work done. Steven, Gail and Linda (another friend from Gail's work) and Lorinda put some sun screening film over our bedroom windows. It was amazing how immediately we felt the temperature in the room go down when the film went up. That, combined with the weatherstripping Steven put in should help on the electric bill. We will be putting it up on a lot of the windows, seeing how well it works. It feels good to get these projects out of the way, doing what we can to reduce future costs.
On Monday, Polly and Joe and Max came over. It was great to see Max, Nickie's dog walking friend back from his vacation with his paternal grandparents in Michigan. He and his grandfather built a skull (a small boat) with a sail, and he learned to sail it on the lake up there. Polly brought a great dish called a fritita, which is a quiche without a crust and also a rhubarb cinnamon coffee cake. Very good food and very good companionship.
Yesterday was a bit of a recovery day. Obviously I needed to rest up a bit, and was feeling less great than I had been. This is always a worry... is it a temporary set back, or is this the way it is going? Well... passing up the opportunity for suspense... fortunately it was temporary. I feel great today. Speaking of passing up the opportunity for suspense, I have decided to post the rest of the Neb and Gem story today instead of doling it out over the next three days.
Also today turns out to be a big day because we will be getting our new refrigerator, with features that Gail has been wanting for years. We are happy campers.
Sunday Gail will go to San Antonio to see the art show that has some of brother in law Robert's work in it. She will spend the night down there and Meg will baby sit with me Sunday night. Should be fun for both of us. Robert's work continues to amaze and delight us.
Here is Robert's website. Take a look at it. You'll be glad you did
http://www.rockartimpressions.com Amazing how busy the homebound can be.