Jan 17, 2008 22:19
Hey everyone
Look, it's an actual post. I know, I know, it's been a while. But I guess it's time for me to follow up on my threat and actually post more often than once all year that I did last year. Here it goes.
So, I'm currently at the airport on my way to Ohio but it's late at night and my flight is in the morning. The logical conclusion is that I missed my flight, it's logical because that's what happened. So, here I am thankful for a free connection to the internet and my computer on my lap.
So, Happy 2008 to everybody that I missed the first time around. If you're a regular reader of this journal, I have some advice for you this year. GET A LIFE. Seriously. If you have nothing better to do than to read a journal that has averaged close to 4 posts a year, well then my friend, you need to reevaluate your goals for what you want to accomplish before you cross over to the blue yonder. (that's just a phrase I just mangled up on the spot)
I've been interviewing all over the northeast and midwest of our great country and I have to say, from where I stand, the Midwest truly kicks butt. Now, they might not have the same caliber of sports teams out in the Midwest but that aspect is more than offset by the kindness and manners of the people that live there. Now, I expected people that live away from Boston and New York to be generally nicer but I'm disappointed to say that the people in the Midwest did not live up to the lofty standards I set for them in my head. Still, they come relatively close. What's been surprising to me is that lately, New Yorkers have been acting more civil and polite which makes me think that acting humanly is inversely proportional to the success of the local sports teams. Go figure. It's not a law that holds too well under scrutiny but thankfully, this is my blog/journal and I don't have to justify any claims I make here, no matter how absurd they might be. In any case, I've been having a tremendous 2008 so far and I hope it just gets better and better from here like I expect it to.
All right, that's enough for now. Go back to your life knuckleheads. Till next time . . .