Nov 14, 2008 05:34
*quietly sobs*
Thank god for my DVR'd Rachel Maddow and Stephen Colbert.
Hillary Clinton as Secretary as State? Cool. Hope it happens.
Oh and Grey's Anatomy? WTF? I won't even talk about the last scene. But as for the interns. Two words. Pig legs. Worked on ER.
You know the worst part about sick children? Oh beside the fact that they feel crummy and you can only do so much to comfort them. You are under quarantine too. I haven't been able to go to the bank and the post office, which I desperately need to do. Plus we're missing all the playdates. And now I might have to miss one of my good friends son's christening because I'm feeling sick, and I don't want to expose them to germs. Not to mention the total lack of sleep for the entire family. Well almost. I'm up with the kid while Andre catches up on more sleep as he is the bread winner. And boy do we need bread in this economy.
And a meme ganked from paolasp
f you saw me in a police car, what would you think I got arrested for?