Although I am now in a MA program, I've decided to start studying for the GRE lit test. I want to start applying for Ph.d. programs next fall and I figure that I'll be far to busy with applications, my oral exams, and thesis to study for the test. So, my plan is to start studying now, take the test in April, and then focus on the other parts of my application in the summer/fall. Anyway, I figured I'd post my notes here to hopefully help out someone else and, well, not feel quite so isolated during this process.
I'm mainly using the Norton anthologies to study and my syllabus is somewhat based on a lit GRE study course at
Reed College. I'll sometimes quote directly out of the Norton and I'll probably breeze over the Middle Ages/Renaissance more than, say, 19th century American lit.
Please feel free to comment, correct me, or add to my notes. Happy studying!