The music, the moonlight and the dreams are my magic weapons.Not only the music which is played, but also that which is eternally left unplayed. Only the dreams are always what they seem. Isn´t it true that in our dreams we are free? The good dreamer never awakes.
I exist from the beginning...and I have always been and ironist. All of us ironist are harmless, except if you intend to use irony to insinuate the truth. I do not know the truth and I believe my elder brother, the Almighty, does not either. Angels have no sex, so I could never offend you, there are other ways to offend, such as the abominable modern literature and the old age.
How many times have you dreamt of me? Have you never thought of the Charming Prince, the Perfect Man, the inexhaustible lover? Have you never felt by your side, in your dreams, someone who touches you as no one before? That was me, always me, the snake from the beginning of Time. My role is temptation. I had never a childhood, or adolescence and therefore, I never reached the viril age. I am the absolute negative. What you desire and you cannot have. What you dream because it cannot exist. Forever in the throne of Neverland.
Humankind is a pagan kind. They adore gods as if they were amulets. Man only differs from animals because he knows it is not one of them. The ultimate initiation ends with the question of the existence. The highest love is a great dream. Ahh I am a natural poet, because I tell the truth through deceive. All religions are the true one. They are different symbols of the same reality. Zeus or Allah. The nap of a cat in the sun is as pure as the reading of a book. I corrupt but I enlighten. The Bright Morning Star.
The vague aspirations, the futile caprices, the tedium of the vulgar, all of that is my deed. When I lie by the rivers of the abyss and think that I do not know a thing, my thought flows down into the souls of men and they feel different from themselves. I carry memories of things that were never true, but they almost were. But the truth is that I do not exist. And I have been insulted and malignified. And people call me Satan, and the Devil. But I am not the one who faced the God, nor the Spirit who denies. I am the God of Imagination, lost because I cannot believe. And I know you love me. Which man has put his hands on your breasts that was mine? Which kiss were you given that was like mine? In those warm evenings, when you dreamed so much, didn´t you see a dim figure, the one who would give you all the happiness you deserve? The one who would kiss you ad eternum? It was me.
I am the one you have always searched for and you could never find. Deep inside in the Abyss, God himself looks for me so I can complete him. The ring you wear and you love. The joy of that thought, the kind image you see in the is not you, it is me.
But the awes that torment men are the same which torment above, so below. Blessed those who sleep in their animal life.