
Dec 22, 2010 20:37

So I had my "ignition session" (one-off free PT session) at Virgin Active yesterday, and along with a plan my trainer gave me a fitness test to do every few weeks. So I did that today before my climbing wall induction. Apparently I'm fitter than I thought?

- ran at 10.5 km/h for 5 minutes (yeesh)
- 22 push ups (knees)
- 20 sit ups (I could have done more except my stomach decided debilitating cramps were the perfect response, so then I stopped)
- 20 chin ups (on the machine - not my own body-weight, haha!)
- held a plank for 23 seconds

Which is better than I expected. Then, wobbly, I went rock-climbing. I have now achieved full exhaustion and feel I have earned approximately a third of Christmas Day's food debacle.

On that subject, A++ chocolate-dipped strawberries and an endless supply of omgfoooooooooood. Anticipation is the word of the day, and one-day-of-work-left is the phrase of the day. \o/

Happy whatever-holiday-you-choose, kids! I'll say it now cause I won't say it then. :)
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