(no subject)

Jun 04, 2010 10:54

Home sick today. I don't feel unwell, just very very weak. I get a bit shaky and raised heart rate whenever I do anything. So I'm thinking that makes it a virus, perhaps? We will see what rest and a blanket does for me. :)

I was curled up watching 9 before (the animated one... too many movies came out with 9 in the title last year), which I've been meaning to watch for ages. It's a bit steampunk, post-apocalyptic, and the monsters remind me of the machines in the Matrix - the big red eye in the middle and whirling machine arms. Very creepy.

So I'm like 20 minutes away from the end - the monster has returned and they are thinking about winding up to the big finish - and the cleaner has turned up, so now I am hiding in the bedroom with my computer wishing I hadn't left my water in the other room. :)

Tell me things, internet. What is going on in the world?
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