Who loves ya, baby? That's right - we do. And that's why we keep the bead links coming.
Fröjel Trading Center Finds (Gotland)
Carnelian & Amethyst BeadsGlass & Mixed Media BeadsMore Glass & Mixed MediaStill More Glass & Mixed Media Finds from Kaupang
Overviews of artefacts & dig reports There is an English option, but not as much material under that option (unfortunately).
Kaupang Links Page w/Bead Photos If you go to the right-hand sidebar, you can see some of the glass and carnelian beads they discovered at the site.
Assorted Links
Beads fr/a girl's grave Nine-year-old girl's grave from Birka w/beads and bracteate
Spirit of the Past: Viking Age Beads Some reproduced pieces, but also brief discussions on beadmaking & provenence.
Trade Among the Vikings An article that not only discusses trade goods/routes/practises but has photographs of some of the beads found in digs at Ribe, Denmark.
Not Beads, But Fun
Pictures of Artefacts from Fröjel, Gotland Jewellry, weaponry, tools, equipment - you name it, they've got photos of it.
Runes on a Rib ...and other strange/unusual/fun finds.
I'll keep'em coming as I find'em!