Jun 29, 2006 13:46
I graduated, im out of school, I have my diploma and im ready to go back to camp - 1 problem....TY HAS EVACUATED TO SOME BUMBLEFUCK HICK HIGH SCHOOL AND THE CAMP ITSELF IS 1/2 FLOODED...im probably over exaggerating but it is true that they evacuated. In any case, im at Yarden's house with Alon and Leah, waiting for Meir to give us the OK to come back up to camp. Even though I am mostly bumbed, lets make a list of reasons why we (the people in NYC) are lucky NOT to be in camp:
*We have been showering in real showers with pressure
*Air Conditioning
*Ethnic foods for meals
*Nice clean clothing
*Its DRY
*We sleep in real beds
*Non-stop coverage of the World Cup
*I got new boots
*Baking party
*NYC day!
So I am really happy I am being fed good food, im clean and im well rested...TY tonight?...maybe?...who knows.