What is more disturbing? ((Reposted from Myspace Blog))

Sep 14, 2008 22:35

Hello, true believers!

I write this now for no other reason than that I've turned 33 and I might as well be writing something in here since on My last update whenever the hell I made one I was 32. I guess I can wait another year. Maybe. Maybe I'll just wait until the chipmonks come home to roost or pigs start dropping apple danishes from the sky. Maybe I'll start to make sense. If that happens, kill yourself immediately! Yes, that's right. ABORT!!!!
      Holy sweet fucking Jesus H Jumping Jack Christ!!!! As I tyhpe this I have 2141 views total on My Myspace blog from its get-go. That seriously means that 2141 times have passed in which someone was either so bored that they failed suicide for a lack of motivation to walk across the room and pick up the razor blade, or they have very low standards for humor. And now we pass our golden drool pan award and a nice, matching helmet to some unspecified winner who was our 2141st contestant on LET'S GET A LIFE!
      Now that I'm done taking cheep shots at My own expense (because it's so fucking simple that Buttskin could do it blind-folded) let Me introduce you to this disturbing analysis. Consider first if you will this little factoid. I present to you a show from the 1980s which may be somewhat disturbing. Beneath, I leave you with a disturbing thought:

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In the MANY years that have long passed untold thousands, perhaps millions of men were destined to eventually masturbate to her (Soleil Moon Frye).
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