Autumn already

Mar 17, 2022 13:17

It's definitely autumn after a summer that never really happened, but I like autumn: nice settled weather and those European trees up the valley showing their glorious colours later in the season.

Omicron is raging through the country, massive numbers each day. The town looks empty and small towns or villages around the area are deserted with most shops or cafes closed. I've been volunteering one afternoon a week to deliver food and supplies to Pasifika families isolating at home out in the countryside (because I have an electric car I get the further away addresses) and the roads are strangely clear. Despite all this, or more because there's little one can do about Omicron, we're opening up to tourists this month, Aussies first. I'm still being super-cautious though. They're showing the first two Godfather films at the local cinema, and Greg, who hasn't seen them, wants to go but I'm nervous about the danger, even though they require vaccine passes.

Do you prefer fiction or nonfiction books? Why?
Fiction - I like to be entertained, especially when the book is set somewhere or when that's exotic to me. [clings to escapism]

What is the most useful app on your phone?
Probably the Tesla app which gives me keyless access and lets me do things remotely like turning on and off heating or aircon (we still don't have a garage, but there are walls now). After that, Anagram Solver, because I do cryptic crosswords. It's the best anagram app I've found.

While walking/running/biking/other cardio: music or podcasts or silence?
Definitely silence. I like to be able to think or make up stories, and I can't do that with song lyrics or a podcast.

Do you have a Pavlovian response to anything?
Nothing I can think of makes me salivate. Sallymn said "pavlova" which is a clever and funny response.

Is some degree of censorship necessary?
Yes, porn for example.

As an adult, is there anything you don't even pretend to bother with anymore?
Talking about politics and depressing news, not that I did either as a kid. I really don't get why people want to talk about awful things when there's nothing they can do about them, and many do it with an almost creepy glee. If someone starts up with "Oh, did you hear about that dreadful [insert horrific event]" I've been known to either change the subject or just walk away. There's so much about people I don't understand.
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