Cat update

Jan 11, 2007 21:01

The girls are back! The vet said that Tessa wanted cuddles every time a nurse went past, and that she was a real little character; I suppose Claudia was too drugged to be her usual friendly self too. In their cage on the way back, they were winding around and over and under each other like two otters; very cute. Once home, they were (and are) extremely cuddly, even more so than usual.

Claudia had one tooth out, and has a course of antibiotics and painkillers, the same ones she had for her gingivitis. She responds well to them and they're liquid so it's pretty easy to dose her. She ate her supper with gusto and is doing an Emperor Palpatine right now, skulking under a blue rug with just her grey nose poking out of a hood-like fold. I think it's catching up with her.

Tessa was so zonked out by the sedative, she didn't need an anaesthetic for her x-rays after all. She has a lung inflammation and was prescribed a different antibiotic they hope might clear it up, but they also observed that her heart rate is high and tested her for thyroid problems; results in a few days. If it's her thyroid, she'll need either pills (which she doesn't do well with) or a brief radiation treatment (iodine isotope, I suppose). :-( She's on the couch waiting for me to come back and give her more cuddles.

While I'm at it, my toe wasn't hurting so I haven't bothered with strapping it to the next one for a few days, but it's become painful again so I'll have to. I doubt the humidity's helping much there. Still, I can walk without limping.

real life, tessa, claudia, cats

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