I used to waste my time dreaming of being alive... Chapter 1

Mar 25, 2009 18:01

Title: I used to waste my time dreaming of being alive...
Rating: PG 13 I guess, not sure where this will go
Pairing: Ryden, maybe Joncer, maybe...
POV: Ryan's, 3rd
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue
Author Notes: Okay, this my first fic I've ever posted so I'm scared, so please if you if you have any comments, feedback it's cool, just don't insult me, I'm new

They were lying on the floor in the Smith's living room; Ryan with several pages of schoolwork and Spencer with a book, having already finished his work several hours earlier.

Spencer didn’t even look up, saying absently, “Mmm?" Ryan rolled his eyes. It was virtually impossible to get a sensible answer out of Spencer when he was absorbed in a book. He was in the zone, as he put it.                                                   
Ryan thought for a moment, then changed his question. “What are you reading?”

Spencer looked up, his face rapt.

“Well, it’s about these four kids and their dog, and they go off on this adventure - “

Ryan groaned inwardly. He was reading the Famous Five. Ryan sighed.

“Spence,” he said, his tone exasperated. “How old are you?”

Spencer looked up, frowning at him, then directed his attention back to the book.

“Spencer, the Famous Five books are meant for eleven year olds, not people our age.” Ryan’s lips twitched, trying to keep from laughing.

“What did you actually want to ask, Ryan?” Spencer stared up at him through his eyelashes from his place on the floor.

Damn, he’s good, thought Ryan, pursing his lips. Spencer had some way of knowing exactly what he was thinking, especially when he didn’t want Spencer to know it. It was probably because he was such a horrible liar.

“Umm...Can I have some help with my maths homework, maybe?”

Ryan tried to look desperate. Spencer smirked and held out his hand, waiting. Relieved, Ryan handed over his work, which consisted mainly of doodles and the occasional scribble of ‘what the hell does this mean?’

Spencer glanced through it, snorted at Ryan’s comments and attempted to explain what he had done wrong.

“...and to get x you need to find the square root of these two numbers here...Hello? Are you
bothering to listen to my instructions that will save your ass in maths tomorrow?”

It was only then that Ryan realised that Spencer was waving a hand in front of his face, and had just finished explaining the complex maths that would in fact save his ass tomorrow. Spencer groaned in mock agony. He studied Ryan’s face more carefully, and Ryan flushed, looking away self-consciously.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, concerned.
Ryan closed his eyes. “My parents are fighting again.”
“Ah,” murmured Spencer, understanding flaring in his eyes.
“So, um...I was wondering...could I maybe stay here for a bit?” He felt uncomfortable, asking it like that, but Spencer understood.
"Yeah, 'course," said Spencer, adding, "It's really boring being alone most of the time, so I'm kinda happier when I have someone to talk to."                                      
Ryan went quiet for a bit, then said, "They kicked me out."
Spencer met his eyes sympathetically. "I'm sorry," he muttered after a long pause, holding his gaze.
"Really, you can stay as long as you want."
They sat silently for a while, each thinking their own thoughts, until Ryan broke the silence.

"So, what else did you do at school today?"
Spencer launched into a rant about how his history teacher had given him twice the normal amount of homework, trying to distract Ryan, and Ryan groaned and 'mmm'ed in  agreement in all the right places, feeling slightly better. They talked solidly for over an hour, verbally abusing the teacher in as many words as they could think of.

"What happened to you today then?" Spencer asked, sipping on a red bull.

"Ugh. Well, there's this new guy in my class - some guy called Brendon..."

OK, first fic like, ever, so freaking out about the response to it. Feedback is considered extremely useful...


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