Интересно, а почему нет статьи на немецком, русском, польском, литовском, латышском языке? Википедя контролируется соросятами, зелёными и лгбт?
Family Watch International (FWI) is a fundamentalist Christian lobbying organization. Founded in 1999, the organization opposes homosexuality, legal abortion, birth control, comprehensive sex education, and other things that it regards as threats to the divinely ordained "natural family." It has a strong presence in Africa, where it promotes conservative policy and attitudes about sexuality through its United Nations (UN) consultative status.
Under the name Global Helping to Advance Women and Children it is registered as a 501 nonprofit organization headquartered in Gilbert, Arizona in the United States.
The Southern Poverty Law Center classifies FWI as a hate group because it "promotes anti-LGBT pseudoscience that includes the falsehood that homosexuality is a mental disorder."
History. (