(no subject)

Apr 10, 2009 02:07

My Gramma told me that she has something wrong with a valve in her heart. She didn't know which valve, or her actual diagnosis. Based on what she described, it is stenosis, and she has already had an incident of pulmonary edema.

Summary: poop.

Her options are limited, given her age, diabetes, and now it seems also heart failure. She can have surgery, quite risky, or she can just wait to die, being tired and dizzy. Best case scenario she clots and drops instantly. More likely is a long lingering deterioration.

I don't keep up with adult cardio developments, but I don't think she is a candidate for balloon Valvuloplasty. She would have to have open chest valve replacement.

She wants my opinion. If I didn't depend on her so much I would say no surgery. Palliative care only. But the selfish child side says she should go for it so she will have a chance at regaining her vigor so she doesn't have to change and our roles don't reverse. Because isn't taking care of me her entire reason for being? Dammit.
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