Academic and Creative Writing Journal Vikram Karve Business Ethics Lecture Series Part 33 - Code of Conduct and Ethics Code of Conduct and Ethics
CODE OF A NAVAL OFFICER While clearing my bookcase I came across a booklet, we were given, about various aspects of Naval Life when I joined the Naval Academy way back in the 1970’s. In this booklet there was a quote by John Paul Jones - CODE OF A NAVAL OFFICER. These words made a lasting impression on me and I tried to imbibe and follow the spirit of the code in my career and personal life.
John Paul Jones, often called the Father of the American Navy, helped establish the traditions of courage and professionalism and is remembered for his indomitable will, his unwillingness to consider surrender when the slightest hope of victory still burned, and for promoting professional standards and training throughout his naval career.
Written by John Paul Jones
It is, by no means, enough that an officer of the Navy should be a capable mariner. He must be that, of course, but also a great deal more. He should be, as well, a gentleman of liberal education, refined manners, punctilious courtesy, and the nicest sense of personal honor.
He should not only be able to express himself clearly and with force in his own language both with tongue and pen, but he should be versed in French and Spanish as well. ("Own language" obviously means English, which is relevant even today as English is the universal language of officers and the reference to French and Spanish probably pertains to languages of the crew of those days and in today’s context may refer to the languages or mother tongues of ship crew).
He should be the soul of tact, patience, justice, firmness, and charity.
No meritorious act of a subordinate should escape his attention or be left to pass without its reward, even if the reward is only a word of approval.
Conversely, he shouldn’t be blind to a single fault in any subordinate, though at the same time, he should be quick and unfailing to distinguish error from malice, thoughtlessness from incompetence, and well-meant shortcoming from heedless or stupid blunder.
As he should be universal and impartial in his rewards and approval of merit, so he should be judicial and unbending in his punishment or reproof of misconduct.
In one word, every commander should keep constantly before him this great truth, that to be well obeyed, he must be perfectly esteemed.
VIKRAM KARVE educated at IIT Delhi, ITBHU, Lawrence School Lovedale, and Bishop's School Pune, is an Electronics and Communications Engineer by profession, a Human Resource Manager and Trainer by occupation, a Teacher by vocation, a Creative Writer by inclination and a Foodie by passion. An avid blogger, he has written a number of fiction short stories and creative non-fiction articles in magazines and journals for many years before the advent of blogging. His delicious foodie blogs have been compiled in a book "Appetite for a Stroll". Vikram lives in Pune with his family and pet Doberman girl Sherry, with whom he takes long walks thinking creative thoughts.
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