And now, an SPN meme! Because what else do I talk about ever

May 11, 2010 14:07

So today I'm going to fic. I'm just going to write and put whatever comes out of me out there, mediocre or bad.

But in the meantime, a meme ganked from rogueslayer452:

01. Favourite/least favourite character(s):
Castiel is my favorite character, absolutely: as my friend moonsheen puts it, he's a pocket angel - fierce, dangerous, sneaky, and intelligent, but also confused and hilarious. I would totally watch a show about Castiel's Adventures in The Human World, e.g. The Castiel Show.

My least favorite character ... ugh. Probably Ruby. She was an absolutely genius villian and extremely well-executed, so she's the character I love to hate the most. Wouldn't have been the same show without her! ♥

02. Favourite/least favourite episode(s):
Hm! We~ell ...

My favorite episode is actually Bloody Mary, from waaaaay back in season 1. It's before we've been absolutely crushed under anvils re:the Winchester problems; Dean and Sam work together as a team and do lots and lots of legwork to figure out what spirit is at work. The villian is intensely creepy from start to finish, which is difficult to execute in a show where the mystery of the spirit is completely shattered by the climax. And as a bonus, we get the first whiff of mytharc when Bloody Mary points out that Sam has prophetic dreams.

My least favorite episode is probably Malleus Maleficarum, with the coven of suburban witches trying to kill the brothers and using witchcraft to increase their wealth and comfort. It's not the storyline that was so awful to me - that was just kind of stupid, and I never like it much when the brothers don't rescue themselves - but rather that to the best of my recollection this was the point at which Supernatural in general started to treat women very, very poorly. A lot of 'bitch' and 'whore' being thrown around, all the women die, etc.

Oh, also Route 666, which is an episode from season 1 about a racist truck. No joke. In fact, I hate it so much that I had to go look up its name because I forgot it, and like the show producers, I like to pretend it never happened.

03. Favourite line:
I'm going to have to agree with rogueslayer452: "This isn't funny Dean! The voice says I'm almost out of minutes!" Never does get old! XD;

04. Favourite song(s):
I miss all the classic rock on this show. Does anybody else miss all the classic rock in this show?

But my favorite song in Show is probably Back in Black by AC/DC, just because I like the song and I like how much Dean likes the song. But Carry On My Wayward Son by Kansas is the flagship song - we'll doubtless have a montage using it before the finale, as always, and I love that one as well. Also, I have O Death by Jen Titus on repeat in my car right now. Creeeeepy - it reminds me of Silent Hill, and also the laments of slaves.

05. Favourite episode title(s):
Just individual standing titles? Never minding the content of the episodes in question, I'm partial to "Criss Angel is a Douchebag" (They really got to put 'douchebag' in a title haha), "The Monster At the End of This Book" (I would read a book with that title, no joke), and "Abandon All Hope" (literary references!). This has nothing to do with the contents of the episode. In fact, one of these episodes I've never actually seen.

06. Favourite sex scene(s):
I don't actually watch those generally, because they make me uncomfortable and I find them gratuitous. But my 'favorite' sex scene would have to be the one where Ruby cuts her arm open and Sam drinks her blood, because it's the only sex scene that actually advanced the plot.

07. Biggest SPN pet peeve:
You want me to pick one? Ugh. Hmmm ...

Probably the mishandling of various and sundry supporting characters. Yesterday I was talking with lassiterfics and in a commentfic she had Crowley remark that the Winchesters should have just befriended Lucifer - then the law of averages would have resulted in Lucifer dying eventually. Point in fact: helping the brothers out is probably just as deadly as being their enemy.

This directly plays into the complaint of most non-fans as a reason to never watch Show, which is the way women are treated (they always die, because they're not Winchesters) - a problem which is lampshaded by Mr. Collins' continued presence on the Show with Castiel as a literal replacement for Anna due to popularity. Also in latter seasons the language used regarding women - thank you, 99 Problems.

Finally this current season was horribly mishandled by creating a negativism, where instead of the brothers going after the badguys they have only been able to run for most of the season, because the entire plot can only move forward if the brothers agree to be vessels. I can't speak towards the pacing - this is the first time I've watched a season as it comes out instead of marathoning it post-season.

08. How did you find out about SPN/why do you like it?
Oh, gosh. Um - Show starts back in, what, 2005, right? Well, in 2006 the Full Metal Alchemist anime fandom was finally starting to wind down, and a few of my friends in the fandom - nymeria, I think, was one of them - had started to watch Supernatural. They encouraged me to give the show a try; shortly after the first finale, I downloaded all of S1 and marathoned the whole thing.

And I loved it. I loved the creepy stories and the episodic nature of Show at the time. But most of all, I loved the Winchester family. Coming off of the FMA anime, the Winchesters bore a striking resemblance to the Elrics - an absentee father, a dead mother around whom their quest is centered, codependent brothers willing to sacrifice themselves for one another, an older brother obligated to take care of the younger brother and a younger brother who is independent but looks up to the older brother. I enjoyed that dynamic and Supernatural fed right into it.

Why do I like Supernatural now? First of all I still like the creepy stories and the mytharc - with thanks to Castiel - became much more interesting starting in season 4. I keep watching for two things, though. One: oh Castiel, ILU, please be okay! And two: I want to see the Winchesters be okay. I desperately want to see them be okay. And sadly, I'm pretty sure I'll keep watching until the end in hopes that they will be okay.

09. Who would you like to guest star on SPN and why?
I don't know. I actually don't have a strong history in scifi viewing and I wouldn't really wish this show on anyone. Although it sounds like the set must be an incredibly fun environment.

10. Character from another fandom you’d like to see in SPN:
Uh ... hm. ANGEL from, well, Angel. And maybe Spike at the same time, so we can have more morally ambiguous debates revolving around vampires. What can I say, they're kind of fun!

11. Which character do you want to come back?
Can I pick more than one? I'm going to say yes I can. If I could retcon the series, I would bring back Ellen and Jo in a heartbeat. Ash, too. Gabriel because what is Show without the Trickster? (It's like Show without GhostFacers!) And Henrickson - because every time the brothers kill a demon on Show I always think, man, what a trail of dead bodies they've left behind. And Henrickson was such a great antagonist for the lawful side of things!

Without retconning, I'd like to see John 'Sir' Winchester again, in a flashback or something.

12. Which character would you like to meet in real life?
Man, I dunno. I'd love to say Castiel but I suspect I'd just annoy him, or he would possibly annoy me. On the other hand I think it would be hilariously entertaining to meet him in a setting like, say, my job, where he was a customer. But probably Ellen, because she seems like a real tough, classy lady, and I'd be perfectly happy to be drunk under the table by her.

13. Jared Padalecki has decided not to shave his sideburns or cut his hair for quite some time now, this has become problematic for many fans; explain how you would go about in fixing this.
I wouldn't. Uh, I think he looks fine. plus his exposed forehead does a lot of acting for him, orz

14. Who do you want to play God?
Oh, just go ahead and make it Eric Kripke, Show.
... if not him, then either some teen actor or a really hot chick. Either way.

15. If Supernatural didn’t exist, but Sam and Dean did, which TV show would you want to see them in?
=___= I'm not good at these questions, honestly. Could they be villains in Bones? That would be awesome. Or join up with the Leverage team! Haha, that would be a disaster.

16. If you could make a crossroads deal, would you? If yes, what would the deal be for?
No. I'm glad such things don't exist because I'm sure some situations would make it very tempting, but, no.

17. Do you prefer the Winchesters suited up or casual?
I don't really care. Both Mr. Ackles and Mr. Padalecki are good-looking men in most anything.

18. In your opinion, did John Winchester do the right thing in raising Sam and Dean the way he did?
John, John, John. Such a divisive character in this fandom. Long story short, I think he could have done a lot better than he did, but I also think that in his own myopic way, he did his very best.

In his worldview, he was driven to kill the thing that killed his wife; by the same token, his Marine instincts drove him to protect innocent people and his remaining family. To him, it was absolutely imperative to raise his sons to know how to protect themselves. So he raised them knowing about the things in the dark, partially out of necessity since he was chasing such things and partially out of said protectiveness.

He loves his sons - that much is obvious - but he saddled them (in particular Dean) with far too much responsibility at far too young an age. His own dysfunction (obsession with hunting) became the thing the entire Winchester family revolved around - Dean buying in, Sam wanting out. Dean was parentified and lost his sense of self in his father and brother, while Sam was made into a scapegoat and perpetual child, a dysfunction that continues to be a major focus of Show.

John's final act of love/fear - saving the life of his elder child - was twisted by his final cruel act, which was to saddle Dean with the responsibility of killing his brother should he turn out 'evil' and insisting it be a secret from Sam; I think this really exemplifies the way he interacted with his sons.

17. How will you punish Kripke if he royally fucks up the finale to Supernatural?
The finale of the whole show? He wont' be on for that. The finale for season 5? Well, I'll probably just stop watching (again). I enjoy Show, somewhat to my shame, but - especially if rumors that the series won't pick up again until January 2011 turn out to be true - I'll forget about it and move on to other fannish obsessions like I always do.

18. A SPN picture or gif that you like:
Man, I have a lot of them. Uh.

I dunno. I don't use gifs so I don't know links to them D=

[fandom] spn tv, meme time!

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