[spn tv] fic recs

Feb 09, 2010 23:05

Thanks to everyone who replied to the poll! (I apologize in advance, Maychorian: I doubt anything gen I rec here won't have made it to spngenlove.) Here it is:

The Epic Supernatural Fic Rec Post

This post will cover genfic and slashfic of all ratings. The stories will center on Castiel, Dean, Sam, and John, at all ages. All fics will be labeled with all appropriate warnings. There will be no Wincest. All fics are complete (I specifically refrained from reccing unfinished fic).

Fics are listed in alphabetical order by author, since I couldn't figure out a way to intelligently divide the fic up. By now it should be pretty clear that when I find a writer I enjoy, I read just about everything they've ever written. For the sake of some semblance of brevity, I'll be limiting my recs to one or two fics per author.

Aenissethai (D/C preslash), Aesc (D/C), Anniehow (gen), Blink-Blink (gen plot), CaffieneKitty (gen humor), Cheerful Earl (Castiel gen), ClexMonkie (gen humor), Dodger Winslow (John whump), Dotfic (preseries gen), Eloise Bright (preseries), Emerald Embers (slash), Carol Davis (Ficwriter1966)(gen preseries)

A Thousand Small Cruelties by aenissethai - Christmas Eve. Dean is troubled by Castiel’s recent aloofness-and he knows who is to blame.
This fic comes in four parts, but it's the first part that particularly struck me. Shortly after the events of 5.10, Dean realizes what's fundamentally wrong with his relationship with Castiel. This fic punches me in the gut - Castiel is so painfully awkward and Dean is hurting so much. Eventually the fic turns into Dean/Castiel, but this first part is gen. (5.10 coda; Dean, Castiel (Sam, Bobby); genfic)

A Geometry For Spirits by aesc - 'Angels have their own script,' he murmurs, close against Dean's mouth. Dean trembles against him, for the knowledge or Castiel being so close, Castiel can't say.
In which Castiel teaches Dean about the power of speech and the written word. I have this huge thing about Castiel and magic, script, and language. This fic blossomed it into a downright fetish. (character fic; Castiel/Dean; mild slash (SFW))
If you decide to explore aesc's journal, you'll find amazing D/C fic and some beautiful artwork. I believe she's best known for incredible layouts, manips, and concept art.

Ring Around the Rosy by anniehow - Ashes, Ashes! We all fall down. A night at the edge of a battle, angel whump included. Dean, Castiel, Sam.
Set during season 4, Dean and Sam head off to solve a case and are warned off by Castiel due to one of the 66 Seals being fought over in the area. Of course, that doesn't totally work out, and Castiel pays the consequences. This fic has excellent characterization all around, and some excellent action scenes. I've gone back again and again to re-read it. (some whump/violence; Castiel, Dean, and Sam; genfic)

Rule Number 7: Always Be Specific When You Lie by anniehow - I know bailing me out of police custody wasn’t part of your orders... SPN/NCIS Dean & Castiel
You don't need to know NCIS to understand this fic. Dean is brought into custody by the NCIS team, and Castiel shows up as ... his lawyer? This is nowhere near as cracky as it sounds. One of my favorite things about Anniehow is that she absolutely nails S4!Castiel - sneaky, scary, and powerful. (character fic; Castiel, Dean; genfic)

Loyalty by Blink-Blink - Post Head of a Pin, pre The Rapture. "You never found out who was killing angels, or how. But now you know." In an incident which never took place, Dean discovers that he and Castiel have more common enemies than he knew. No pairings, mildly AU from HoaP.
Remember how Uriel was probably not the only eeevol Lucifer Sympathizer? In this fic, Dean is targeted by the rest of Uriel's faction, leading him and Castiel into a struggle to survive. Castiel is a teensy bit too stoic in this fic, but S4!Dean is absolutely pitch-perfect, angry and frustrated and out of his league. Plotty and tense, I loved this fic. (plotfic; Dean, Castiel; genfic, violence)

Star of the Morning by Blink-Blink - Castiel, removed from his host, is forced to make a temporarily substitution. Dean is so not onboard with this plan. Post The Rapture, AU. No pairings; rated for language.
While this fic's basic concept has been pretty much Kripke'd, it's still quite excellent. Finding plotfic for this series is already awesome, but with Jimmy and Castiel along for the ride, it's even better. Monster of the Week, Dean and Sam being awesome hunters, and Castiel in Dean's head - yes, you read that right. I love the character interactions here. Jimmy makes me sad. (plotfic; Dean, Sam, Castiel, Jimmy; genfic)

Rituals of the Road by caffienekitty - Every journey has its rituals. Missing scene from 5.10, Gen
CaffieneKitty has a real gift for lighthearted humor. On the road to Carthage during 'Abandon All Hope', Castiel learns about human roadtrip rituals from Ellen and Jo primarily. These are all things we've done on the road ourselves - don't deny it! - so it's quite fun, if bittersweet. (5.10 missing scene; ensemble; genfic)

NEW! Five Times Castiel Served at the Side of His Brothers (And One Time He Didn't) by cheerful_earl - A trip through the Bible (including the Winchester Gospel), starring Castiel.
With a gentle twist to five stories from the Bible and one story from the Winchester Gospel, Castiel becomes the starring character. This fic is about the angels and develops each of the angels we've met in Show towards their ends in SPN. Plus, Castiel meets the prophet Daniel. This is great, light storytelling. (character-centric; Castiel (the Angels, Dean); genfic)

Twelve Times Dad Threatened to Turn the Car Around (And Three Times Dean Almost Rode in the Trunk) by clex_monkie89 - Dean doesn't look at John when he steps on the gas and drives away.
This wee!Chester fic is funny and heartbreaking and wonderful - one of the first SPN fics I ever read, and still one of my favorites. There was this thing for '[blank] times [blank] happened and [blank] times it didn't' fic at the time, and this was one of the best. (pre-series; Dean, Sam, John; genfic)

Stay by dodger_winslow - When breakfast on the road takes a deadly turn, Dean is the only one who can save his father's life. He's ten, he's alone, and the only way he makes it is if she stays.
I just love outside!POV fic! And this is one of the best. A companion piece to 'Ten Going on Thirteen' (which is linked at the fic), this story is heartbreaking and intense. The OC telling the story is incredible, and the twist at the end is brilliant. (plotfic/character-centric/preseries; Winchesters+OC; genfic, violence and gore)

The Messenger by dodger_winslow - He is here. He is watching.
Dodger Winslow has written so much excellent fic it's hard to pick favorites, but I'm choosing this one because it's so different. Dodger's claim to fame is her excellent John-centric fic (one of the first advocates of Nice!John); here, John meets Castiel while Dean and Sam are still wee kids. Castiel is incredibly creepy without meaning to be, and John is a protective bear of awesome. (preseries; John, Castiel (wee!Chesters); genfic)

The syntax of things by dotfic - After the events of "Lucifer Rising," Sam and Dean take refuge at Bobby's, where the boys start to learn to be brothers again while they plan their next move. Chuck shows up with an injured Castiel, forcing Dean to deal with his conflicted feelings. Meanwhile, the apocalypse has started, the death count is rising, and Lucifer is determined to get at Sam. But hiding only works for so long.
This fic is a bit plotty but it's primarily character-centric, dealing heavily with the consequences of the end of Season 4 (with no spoilers for season 5). Long, sad, and serious, my favorite thing about this fic is the character interactions. (plotfic/character-centric/episode coda; ensemble (Dean/Castiel); slash, some triggery material)

Hide Too Well Away by dotfic - Sam, Dean, and John go into the woods on what starts as a simple salt-and-burn job. There are things they aren't telling each other. And what they do say only makes things worse.
Much as I love happy or angsty preseries fic, I also love fic that deals with the tension between the Winchesters - John and Sam butting heads and Dean trapped in the middle. I discovered Dotfic because of the strength of her preseries fic. The ... anger ... is palpable and only increased by the situation and the monster. (plotfic/character-centric; Dean, Sam, John; genfic)

Whipping Boy by eloise_bright - Pastor Jim considers John Winchester's parenting methods.
This fic might get me the riot act read because it's a pretty hard look on John, and frighteningly calculating. But I love this wee!Chester fic because of how it reflects on Dean and Sam's relationship. It broke my heart. (character-centric; Dean, Sam, John, Jim; genfic, questionable discipline (not like that!))

Just a Slip of the Tongue by emerald_embers - It's all a question of taste.
When Crowley the demon put in an appearance in 5.10, the fandom went wild - we all know our Good Omens, after all! This fic takes the Crowley of Supernatural and pits him against Castiel in an awkward partnership. Liquor is involved. I like reading Castiel as a clueless awkward guy as much as the next reader, and Crowley is delicious here. (5.10 coda; Crowley/Castiel; slash, kissyface (SFW))

Lost and Found by ficwriter1966 - 7-year-old Dean faces the aftermath of a storm; and 17-year-old Dean faces a storm of a different kind.
A story about fifty dollars. I love Dean in this fic, struggling with morality and serendipity. This fic reflects on Dean's desire to support his family (particularly Sam) however he can in a unique way - sweet at the beginning, and terrifying at the end. Deals with prostitution, which is one of those things many a fan has wondered, 'Did Dean ever ...?' (character-centric/preseries; Dean (Sam, John); slash, groping (nothing graphic))

In Dreams by ficwriter1966 - no summary given
This is a plotfic that takes place between 'What Is and What Never Should Be' and 'All Hell Breaks Loose'. If anyone can be trusted to write a good monster of the week, it's Carol Davis, and this fic is no exception. I won't spoil anything for you, but it's Dean, Sam, a case, and whump. I love it. (plotfic, 2.20 coda; Dean, Sam; genfic, whumpfic)

I Broke Tuesday (crackfic), Ignipes (gen angst), Janissa11 (preseries), Kroki Refs (Sam gen), Marina Rusalka (gen plot), Maychorian (gen plot), Minkmix (gen characterfic)

Untitled comment!fic by ibroketuesday - Castiel is addicted to texting Dean.
Um. UM. This fic right here is why I never feel the urge to write Castiel being hilarious in text messages - because ibroketuesday already did it better than anyone else. I laughed aloud. This is so Castiel. (humor/crackfic; Dean, Castiel, Sam; genfic)

Come Down on Your Own by ignipes - After seven months and three thousand miles, they stop running.
A Zombie Apocalypse AU! There was a time, many moons ago, when the fandom was downright obsessed with them Ironic that the Croatoan virus turned out to basically be exactly that. This one is my favorite. Dean, Sam, and what amounts to a painful claustrophobia, as the world crumbles around them and all they can do is cling to life. What do you hope for when all hope is lost, anyway? (character-centric; Dean, Sam; genfic, gore)
inteligrrl, this author is one of very few authors I trust with Wincest. She writes Sam topping, so if that's up your alley, check out her fics.

Red Beans and Rice by janissa11 - Dean learns to cook, among other things. Preseries, gen.
The basis for this fic is something that now I'd say is kind of OOC - I can't see Dean doing much crazy cooking. But the reasoning at the heart of it - helping hold his family together - is pure Dean. This fic is the heartbreaking story of the breakdown of the Winchester family leading up to Sam leaving for Stanford. (preseries; Winchesters; genfic)

Burying Ground by kroki_refur - A hunt in the Badlands of South Dakota, a mysterious graveyard, and a couple of Winchesters. What could possibly go wrong, right?
This is a delicious plotfic with plenty of Sam!whump (!?). Set in season 2, Dean and Sam end up in a situation where the ghost is less of a problem than the very land they've entered. I miss the boys being brothers, and this fic is just so them, before they're so broken they can't even handle each other. (plotfic; Dean, Sam; genfic, whumpfic)

Sensory Deprivation by kroki_refur - When an encounter in the woods goes wrong, the Winchester brothers are left in serious trouble.
In which Sam goes blind, and maybe more stuff happens but it's been a while and I don't have time to re-read it right now. I remember really loving this fic because it was another good MotW with whump and the brothers being awesome, and really, that's all I ask of plotfic. This fic takes place after season 1 is over but assumes all the Winchesters survived. (plotfic; Dean, Sam; genfic, whumpfic)
kroki_refur is best known for her amazing, hilarious, and thoughtful picspams for seasons 1-3. She's in love with Sam's nose. Go check them out!

Hickory Hill by marinarusalka - A formerly harmless haunting suddenly escalates, and Sam and Dean investigate why.
Guys, I'm so sorry I don't remember more of these plotfics. I just remember really liking this one. Marina Rusalka has a great grasp of Sam and Dean at their best, struggling to get along with one another despite their codependence; she really nails how Dean and Sam work together on hunts, before Bobby was a crutch and they were always out of their depth. I liked this Monster of the Week. Set in season 1. (plotfic; Dean, Sam; genfic)

The Lights of Home by maychorian - There are some memories that Dean doesn't want to remember, and some things that he hopes Sam has forgotten. But when Castiel calls the Winchesters to protect a seal in a small Indiana town where they once lived with their father, everything comes back. Sometimes even a sun-soaked childhood summer has shadows lurking underneath.
Sometimes a plotfic is a plotfic, and sometimes a plotfic is a character fic masquerading as a plotfic. This is the latter. Jumping back and forth in time between the past and the present, maychorian weaves a tale that will grip you tight and raise you from perdition. I love her wee!Dean, and how Sam's memories of the town are so different from Dean's. The town is absolutely alive here, described with loving detail - as well it should be, since it exists. Castiel haunts the fringes of this fic, but he's as fantastic as ever. (plotfic/character-centric; Dean, Sam (Castiel); genfic, violence towards children)

Stupid People by maychorian - Some people are cat people. Some people are dog people. And then there are people like Dean....
In which Someone Out There decides to make Castiel and Sam work out their differences in a ... unique way. This fic made me laugh aloud. Even after their transformations Castiel and Sam are totally recognizable as themselves and poor Dean has to handle them both. (humor/crackfic; Dean, Sam, Castiel; genfic)

Payment Plan by minkmix - When John fails to pay a debt a dangerous man comes after his children...
When a loanshark comes after the Winchester boys, he gets more than he bargained for on all fronts. This is a unique outside!POV fic, being from the viewpoint of the villian. All three of the Winchesters are in fine form here, but especially John. All I want to do is hug Dean at the end. (preseries; Winchesters; genfic, whumpfic)

TMI by minkmix - John (and the young Winchesters) are exposed to the horrors wonders of womanhood.
In a nutshell, this fic is everything men don't want to know about women. Ever. Ever ever ever. John, Dean, and Sam's reactions to everything are hilarious. From now on, they're using drive-thrus! (preseries; Winchesters; genfic, mentions of feminine unmentionables)
Minkmix is actually one of the most prolific authors the Supernatural fandom has ever had occasion to host; she used to actually write a fic a day! She's also the writing part of the adorable comic the_dean_show.

Pandarus (D/C gen), Sea Wren (gen whump), Sessile29 (gen whump), So_Psuedogoth (codafic angst), Strange and Charm (D/C whump), the Vinegar Works (codafic angst), Tracy Loo Who (D/C schmoop), Unoshot (Castiel gen plotfic)

Batter My Heart by pandarus - Castiel's POV on his mission.
This fic is actually about how Castiel reacts and changes in response to his trip to 'Bible Camp' in 4.20. It's quite painful; Castiel is so full of emotion and care, only he doesn't know how to express it. What he underwent in Heaven - whatever it was - broke him horribly, and Dean goes and breaks him again. (character-centric/4.20 episode coda; Castiel, Dean, others; genfic (pre-slash), mentions of torture)

Let Him Kiss Me With the Kisses of His Mouth by pandarus - After running away from demons' trap, Dean and Cas hide in a church. Sadly, Asmodai, demon of lust, knows exactly where they are and casts a spell on the church. And things get a bit... hot inside. For Dean, anyway.
Um, this fic is very, very hot. Um. Pandarus sets up the situation so well and paints such a vivid picture of what's going on, why Dean does what he does, how Castiel reacts, and yes. Basically an unholy 'demons made them do it' fic. (smutfic; Dean/Castiel; slash, NC-17, dubcon (NSFW by any means))

Comfort to the Enemy and The Devil You Know by sea_wren - ."We will all be hunted, we'll all be killed!" Sam & Dean, with Castiel in tow, try to reach Bobby's house in the aftermath of Lucifer's rising, but both demons and angels aren't making it easy.
I'm reccing these two fics together because one continues into the next. Sea Wren absolutely nails me (and Castiel!) to the wall with the angel!whump in these fics. The comfort is almost as bad as the hurt. While Sam struggles with his demon blood addiction, and Castiel struggles with injuries, Dean tries to hold them all together as they run from angels and demons alike; everyone is pitch-perfect and sympathetic. These fics are intense with chase scenes, action, whump, and angst. A great, long read. (4.22 coda/plotfic; Dean, Sam, Castiel; genfic, whumpfic, torture)

In Hands, In Eyes, In Mouths by sessile29 - Castiel becomes injured and needs Dean's help, and Dean struggles with what to do next.
Being that it was the end of a season, Castiel's not!death was the subject of many fics. This is one of my favored takes on it. Quite simply a slow, painful recovery!fic, I particularly like how this story portrays Castiel's safety as being reliant on his own physiology and Dean's support. Sam breaks my heart here, too, with his recovery from the demon blood addiction and his self-hate. (4.22 coda; Dean, Sam, Castiel, Bobby; genfic, whumpfic)

Portrait and Preserve by so_psuedogoth - no summary given
Dean tends to suppress his emotions, so it's often forgotten that Dean seeks to preserve the things most precious to him. Transformed into a literal fashion via picture-taking, these companion fics are beautiful and mournful after the events of 5.10. The first fic is about Dean mourning; the second fic is preseries and contains the kind of desperate outreach that I love. Castiel provides oblique comfort in his own weird way. (5.10 coda/preseries; Dean, Castiel (others); genfic)

The Big Freeze by strangeandcharm - Dean and Castiel get locked in a freezer. H/C ensues.
This is a pretty ridiculous premise, but the amount of care Castiel gives Dean - the lengths he goes to - is sweet and sad and heartbreaking. I do love the way Strange writes Dean and Castiel talking to each other; Castiel is stoic, confused, apologetic, and yet oddly powerful, and Dean is flippant, awkward, dominant, and soft-hearted. It's genfic ... up until the end, anyway. (character-centric; Dean/Castiel; slash, kissyface, hurt/comfort (SFW))

Thursday's Child by strangeandcharm - Thursday’s child has far to go.
In which the Dean of 2014 succeeds in killing Lucifer!Sam and then disappears. Castiel goes after him. Since this fic is a massive AU coda to 'The End' (5.04), Castiel is a drug-addled creepy hippie. Generally I avoided fics like this - and truth be told, I never finished reading it, but not for lack of excellence, but rather, I reach a 'filling point' for Castiel14 quite quickly. Nonetheless the characterization is consistent to the episode and Castiel is deeply sympathetic here; Dean is an emotional wreck, but somehow, together, they limp along. Another character!fic masquerading as plot!fic. 114,000 words long! (character-centric/5.04 coda; Dean/Castiel; slash, minor het, non-con/dub-con, drug use, alcohol abuse, NC-17, NSFW, character death)

Never Have I Ever by thevinegarworks - In which Cas muses on the nature of bourbon, drinking games, and the Apocalypse, and spends some quality time with our favorite Harvelles. And also maybe has his faith irreparably shattered.
Oh, this 5.10 coda/missing scene fic broke my heart in the best way. Castiel floundering in his faith hurts me deep; Ellen is just so spot-on and strong. Plus, angels learning drinking games, right before you get punched in the face. (5.10 missing scene/coda; ensemble; genfic, character death)

And I Will Walk On Water by tracy_loo_who - It's a story about friendship and love, recovery and trust, free will, and Dean and Castiel's journey through it all.
This fic is probably the most popular Dean/Castiel fic in existence, in no small part because Tracy is easily the D/C fandom's biggest BNF. But the attention is not undeserved! Castiel struggles with losing his way, and Dean struggles with becoming someone's pillar of strength. Although Sam is not the centric character in this story he's wonderful, in character, struggling with his own problems but supportive of Dean and Castiel. Castiel breaks my heart here but the changes wrought in him make sense, and Dean is his delightful, offensive, abrasive, and (privately) sensitive self. (4.22 coda/character-centric; Dean/Castiel, Sam; slash, whumpfic, mentions of noncon and torture, later NC-17 and NSFW)

Angels We Have Heard by unoshot - Castiel looks for God. It is a tiresome and thankless task, and he is running out of time.
My god, guys, hands down and pencils in, this is by far my favorite Castiel fic in the history of Castiel fics. Unoshot manages to capture all the aspects of Castiel in one fic - serious, ethereal, faithful to God, devoted to the Winchesters, powerful even as he is weakening, his love for his family and humanity, confused by humans and technology, floundering, sneaky, and clueless yet knowledgeable. I just. I don't even. For the full effect, be sure to read the first two fics of the trilogy, although this story stands alone. (5.10 coda/character-centric; Castiel (Dean, Sam); genfic)

Tin Soldier by unoshot - Dean is cold, Castiel is fading, and Sam is surprisingly even keel. Also, someone is raising the dead.
Oooh, a plotty fic from unoshot! This story features a morbid!Dean, a weakening!Castiel, and Sam as the epically awesome Chill Dude. Oh, did I mention the MotW will absolutely surprise you? I don't want to say too much and spoil things, but Castiel breaks my heart here, struggling to hold it together long enough to get to the end of things, and Dean's private epitaphs make me laugh, even though I felt bad for doing so every time. In the middle of this fic you will get an unpleasant shock, but it's just perfect. (plotfic; Dean, Sam, Castiel; genfic, whumpfic)
Actually, just read anything unoshot writes. Best. Castiel. Ever.

I know I've missed fic that are excellent; some I couldn't find because I suck, and others I had saved had broken links. D= If anyone has anything to add I am all for it. Anything goes, just warn accordingly please (this fandom is full of fic with triggers, erm).

I've recced 36 fics here of just about every description; if there's anything you like, follow the author to find a bunch more excellent fic. Hope this helps you find stuff, and be sure to review what you read! =D

[fanfic] recs, [fandom] spn tv, this shit is too epic, i is stupid, things nobody cares about, fic recs

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