less cosplay = more time being ridiculous on the internet

Nov 30, 2009 13:10

I thought it would be funny to do one of those 'icon mood' memes, mostly because it would read like this:

happy: OMGYAY!Watanuki icon
sad: EMOFACE!Suzaku icon
angry: WHAT!Watanuki icon/WHATISTHISSHIT!DtK icon
surprise: WHAT!Watanuki icon
fear: OMGWRY!Watanuki icon
assertive: ORENOTURN!PW icon
Everything else: I CAN EXPLAIN! iconBecause I really do ( Read more... )

fandom hates me, i is stupid, things nobody cares about, meme time!

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You have given me the urge to play TWEWY again vikki December 1 2009, 16:46:10 UTC
Sorry, this one won't be as long as the others. Also, I went with pork ramen. Sorry! I had pork ramen in Japan and now I think it's possibly the best thing ever. I can smell it right now. Your stupid prompt is making me hungry. XD


"Yeah! Ramen Don!"

Neku winced at Beat's enthusiasm, but in an act of supreme willpower he managed to not turn up the volume on his headphones. This third week of the game had been pretty much the biggest mindfuck of all, and after everything Neku wasn't at all sure how Beat could still be so damn excited about food, but Beat kicked up his skateboard and hurtled into the ramen shop with the excitement of a kid on his birthday. Neku followed him in at a more sedate pace.

"Hey, kids! You find the ingredients for my super-special secret ramen yet?" the shopkeeper greeted them.

Neku just shook his head in answer, not willing to admit he hadn't been looking all that hard. More pressing business and all that. Beat flung himself into a seat at the counter. "Tonkotsu ramen, please!" he chorused.

"Hahaha! It's good to see a kid who likes my old-fashioned stuff." The shopkeeper chuckled. "And Phones, you'll take the ramen don, right?"

Everyone was calling him 'Phones', these days. Beat insisted on it. The Reapers seemed to find it funny. Neku had given up on correcting anyone, especially since Joshua and Shiki had both ... well. Maybe he could still save Shiki.

As Neku took a seat next to Beat his mp3 player hiccupped to a new song, with a heavy techno beat. Neku favored wordless songs. Come to think of it, his mp3 player should have died two weeks ago, since he hadn't charged it. He fiddled with the collection of pins in his pocket and studied the formica countertop without really seeing it, thinking more about the music than anything else, until Beat slugged his shoulder.

"Ow!" Neku jumped, then glared at Beat, rubbing his shoulder.

Beat grinned back unrepentantly. "Hah, you should have seen your face! You looked like a drunk, bobbing your head like that."

Neku tried not to blush and failed spectacularly. "..." He struggled to look for a proper comeback, but in the end nothing came to him that wasn't downright meanspirited. And wasn't that new? Neku grimaced. "Don't be an ass," he finally said.

"Lame," Beat groaned. "I thought the king of all insults could come up with something better than that."

Neku curled his lip, but actually, he wanted to smile a little. Beat was dumber than bricks in some ways, and he dressed like he wanted to be a gangster, but in the end Neku couldn't feel much worse than annoyed with him. After all, he'd helped Neku out and saved his ass on Day One of this week, and they were both in this to save people they cared about. "I think your dumb is catching," Neku said, smirking.

Beat slugged him in the shoulder. Again. And Beat's friendly slugs hurt like a bitch. Neku winced as Beat laughed. "Yeah, well, at least I know what's what. Hell yeah, the food is here!"

And it was, steaming and delicious. Neku inhaled the simple scent of soy broth and just a hint of egg and broke his chopsticks.

Beat dug into his own pork ramen immediately. "Ow, hot, hot!" He swallowed hard, then smiled blissfully. "Aw, man, it's like a party in my mouth!"

Beat always said that, and the shopkeeper laughed. Neku rolled his eyes, blowing on a mouthful of ramen. "If you burn your tongue off, does that mean I'll get some peace and quiet?"

"Shut up, old man," Beat sniped at Neku good-naturedly. "Who eats plain ramen any more?"

But Neku was busy enjoying his first bite. "That's good," he grinned as he swallowed.

"Dude, ramen can make you smile but people can't? That's cold." Beat's words were muffled by a mouthful of ramen. "This stuff really hits the spot! I can't get enough of it!"

Neku let another mouthful of ramen cool off enough to eat, and his smile slipped. People didn't make him smile yet. But Neku had the feeling he was dangerously close to just that - no thanks to the punk sitting next to him.




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Re: You have given me the urge to play TWEWY again vikki December 2 2009, 02:19:35 UTC
NEITHER WILL I. *♥ Beat* I love that guy. =D


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