firstly, HOLY SHIT I WANT IT I WANT IT I WANT IT. ... anyone want to split the (75$) cost with me? As long as I get Sebastian or Ciel I'll be satisfied. ^^;
Katsucon was ... a trip. A very interesting trip. It had its ups and its downs, and now that it's over I'm just exhausted and relieved it's over.
Bad news first since that's the juicy stuff, right? XD;
--Overcrowding. As soon as I heard Katsucon was moving back to the Crystal City Hyatt I knew it was going to be horrendously overcrowded. Katsu is constantly packing itself into spaces it doesn't actually fit into; the Omni Shore was always a little too tight to be comfortable and back in 2004 when Katsu was first hosted by the Hyatt it was still a bit ... small. The 6000-person-registration-capped-at-noon-on-Saturday just goes to show that Katsucon has utterly outgrown this space. Happily,
Next year will be better.
Related to overcrowding, almost all my early-morning stress on Saturday was caused by the shit parking situation. I arrived right on time for my Funimation shift only to be stuck looking for parking for nearly 40 minutes, before finally parking in an illegal space under the EPA building. good times!
--On Saturday everything that COULD go wrong, did. Music issues with the skit, Kat got sick, late for work and thus had to completely drop one costume from my lineup, etc etc. I was incredibly emo in the morning because I felt like I was letting down
genjitsu and
lady_ava in a major way, and I hate feeling useless. AUGH.
moonsheen made an absolutely AMAZING England and I had such a blast hosting her, hanging out with her, and making witty banter a la America&England style all weekend. She's so clever and her cosplay made her totally recognizable and it was TOTALLY WORTH A BROKEN LAMP. (She left my room cleaner than she found it, LOL WHUT.)
--I have to give special thanks to
slave_to_anime, who paid me totally unnecessarily for driving him around but I STILL REALLY APPRECIATE IT. I'm really excited to see all the pics you took at the con!
--Same for
waynekaa and
ljinto(holy shit I probably misspelled it again), who all treated me to meals. Thanks to the four of you I was only out about 40 bucks after the con was over, including food and gas! (As I'm officially broke, this was EXTREMELY helpful. @__@)
--Thanks to
lady_ava, and
breathlessaire for your hard work on the skit; we were the surprise opening, the Devil May Cry 4 team at the beginning of the masquerade, and it all turned out very nicely.
I know I've embedded this before but it bears repeating: FUCK YEAH DEVIL MAY CRY.
Click to view
--Thanks again to
ljinto, and anyone else that took my picture/did a photoshoot with me and my friends. I'm really excited to see the results!
--Thanks to
mithrigil (welcome to my journal LOL WHUT),
kiralikescake (amirite? I FAIL AT LIFE),
moonsheen, and everyone else who joined me for Hetalia pictures on Friday and Sunday. WHAT A BLAST GUYS, WHAT A BLAST.
--I saw just about ... erm, well, just about everyone over the weekend.
umister, I'm sorry I only saw you when I was emo. Everyone else, you know who you are and you also know I probably failed your LJ names again. XD;; Thank you so much to everyone for being generally so chill despite the overcrowding and everyone having their own private issues. Especial thanks to
furiousmice, Jason, Alex, and
blackmarth for chilling with me on Sunday afternoon.
waynekaa for hanging out with me on Sunday. It was a lot of fun! You're so nice, even though you try to seem scary online. IT'S A LIE. XD;; And to Mario, too, whose LJ name escapes me with your RANDOM NUMBERS.
--Thanks to everyone who participated in/watched the masquerade for an amazing experience. I have never, in my 40+ conventions, sat through a masquerade more enjoyable. Whether you won or not, there was barely a sour note in 28 skits and that, my friends, is nearly fucking impossible.
Overall it wasn't a great time, but nor was it a horrible time. There were HUGE highs and lows. I'm sure I've missed tons of fun things to say. I never really go to a con for the events or even the dealer's room these days so my cons are made by the company, and all of you were AWESOME.
I look forward to seeing everyone at Anime Boston. Until then, happy sewing! XD;;