OMG Liek KATSUCON WAS AMAZING. As usual, I didn't see enough of the people I wanted to see ... and the unfortunate side effect of working at cons is that I can't be elsewhere being a dork. But yeah ... no real report, prolly, because I'm lazy, but I'll try to post pictures of LURV in the next week sometime.
Re: cosplay dreams
What I want to cosplay, someday, in the future!: Black Mage Paine, Sailor Venus, Zero, Axel, Kos-Mos, Valkerie Profile 2, Debitt, Archer (Fate.stay/night)
Re: planned cosplays
Anime Boston: Prince Seigfried, Silent Hill
AX: Syaoran-in-a-bottle
AnimeNEXT: Fuuma(?)
Otakon: Jojo
Cosplays ready-and-waiting to wear: Allen Walker, Duo Maxwell, Syaoran, Danny Phantom, Ouran Host Club, others I can't think of now