dissertation research...please help!!!

Nov 26, 2005 21:52

Please take some time to answer these questions...get your friends to come and answer too - the more the better! Just leave a comment and i'll be able to see what you all think - it shouldnt take long and i'll really appreciate it.
Thank you in advance!

My dissertation is based upon museums, and i'm basically looking at ways I could suggest to make the British Museum more interactive and engaging to all visitors, but especially children...so think back to those school day visits to one of our most prestigious museums and see what your thoughts are about the following. Answer as honestly as you want - if you've never visited then tell me why as it will all help...

1) When was the last time you visited the British Museum (if ever)

2) What was the most memorable part of your visit

3) Have you ever visited with young children? If so how did they react to the visit? (if you have no children have you ever noticed how other people's children react within the museum?)

4) Do you think the exhibitions could be improved? If so, How?

5) What was the worst part/area of your visit?

Just for the statistics....
what age bracket do you fall in?
a) under 18
b) 18 - 25
c) 25 - 35
d) 35 - 45
e) 45 +

Are you male or female?

And where abouts do you live?

Ok well thats all my lovely questions. Thank you so much for taking the time to fill it in and please do try and forward it to as many people as possible - no matter their age or where they live. This research could help to improve the British Museum for future generations so you really would be helping out.

Cheers everyone.
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