Jul 19, 2009 23:57
So now that my average annual posting is a whopping '1'...
Anyway, S continues to bother me about not posting (I think it's because she calls when I can't answer the phone and then gets mad that I spaz and don't call her for a few days), and I continue to say that while my life doesn't always suck, it is still rather boring and horribly small and not worth typing about. At which point my mom recently said it would be okay for me to talk about her here...
She's in Germany. She flew out yesterday, and the last few months have been all geared toward getting her there, getting the house ready to sell, getting affairs in order (legal, fiscal, medical, personal, and so forth and so on). And now I'm faced with probably another two weeks of tidying until the house is Estate Agent Ready, the need to kick the job search in the keister (AGAIN) and the subtle look-out for a roof to put over my head when the house does sell (or subtle keeping of a list of people to call when I need to get a renter for the basement because we've taken the house off the market because the market sucks).
Oddly, despite more than a week on an incomplete Japanese futon (I swear, that middle mattress layer is really important) and two nights in a hotel bed with crappy pillows (not to mention the previous months of no sleep, constant nausea and likely high blood pressure, on top of my back pain since February), I can't sleep. I'm wired, worked-up, higher than a kite. While my body can't physically at this moment disconnect the other t.v. and bring its cabinet and itself and its cables all upstairs to be hooked-up in the living room (tired enough to be clumsy on my feet, and apparently fingers, judging by my typing difficulty), it's all I can think about. Moving furniture and taping off trim to be painted. Even the bathroom ceiling is calling to me, and painting ceilings had to be one of the labors of Hercules, if you ask me.
Right, so anyway, those of you upset because I haven't been keeping you in the loop, well, welcome to it. Because the reality is that I'm feeling alright about it now, but the moments of loneliness are showing their faces, and they're getting bigger and scarier and at some point soon I'm really going to want my mommy. For now I suppose muscle relaxers and a re-reading of the Outlander books will have to do. (And given that I'm on Voyager, which is my least favorite of all of them, I could be out in less than 2 hours. Yay!)