Sep 30, 2010 20:47
Full-on crazy deluge torrential flooding wish-I-had-an-ark day. But funnier than the shit visibility on the way to work, funnier than it taking me 15 minutes to take out the trash at work because the wind blew my cart over which broke the heaviest bag and scattered the flattened cardboard boxes and left me exhausted and looking like I just stood out there for the 15 minutes because everything was plastered to me and then I was cold almost all day (back to my usual burning up in the last 30 minutes of my shift), funnier than all that was the fact that the entire metro area was under a tornado warning almost all day was the fact that my half of the county I live in and my half of the county I work in were in a tornado watch at 6 am. Who, exactly, sees a tornado in the pitch-black pre-dawn stormy crappy morning? And I guess they spotted some more later in the morning. And then there were the road closures. And the closing school early. So, yeah, fun times.
But now I'm safe and sound, full from dinner (Moe's and Baskin Robbins, thanks Dad), fresh from the library (Percy Jackson and the Sea Of Monsters and the film Persepolis, which I'm actually really excited about) and in about 5 minutes I'll be all clean and good smelling with clean shiny hair.
And my cramps will still be ramping up, but what the hell's a girl supposed to do about that anyway? Aside from try to avoid the caffeine, remember to eat often enough to keep from getting lightheaded (something I've had trouble with the last few months, probably because of the sleep stuff) and remember to keep the pain reliever in my purse.
There was something else, I think from my ride home, but I can't remember what it was (anyone sensing the theme yet?). Anyway, off to a nice warm, relaxing shower and Bones. That'll fix nearly anything, yeah?