Sep 12, 2010 19:14
Awoke today to the sound of rain. Okay, so I first awoke to my alarm clock, but then got to listen to the rain. Which is why I laid in bed instead of getting up to eat or get my laundry out of the dryer (I needed trousers!) or even make tea.
Work was a bitch despite the rain. Personally, I wanted to be at home in bed, reading and drinking tea (quite possibly with a dram, given the Gaelic-ness of the day). Or, if I was not a Single Person, huddled in a sleeping bag in a tent in the mountains somewhere. We started out really slow and proceeded to have the busiest sunday I can remember in a very long time. I had to make two trips to the store and ended up staying an extra hour. And I have to go back in about an hour to learn all about the new things (that aren't really new because, you know, I've been through this a disgusting 3 times already) we're getting. And they say it'll last an hour, but it never does, it always takes longer. Lying wanktards.
And then I work tomorrow, which is Monday. It's also my Friday because I'm off Tuesday. It's also my Sunday because it'll be my seventh day in a row. Can you tell this amuses me? I am also amused by the fact that I was scheduled for 40 hours this week and I'm already over 8 (today was the 7 hour day), then there's tonight and the odds of going home on time for the next 3 shifts are pretty low, so maybe I should think of things to do friday afternoon . . .
I am slowly winning my battle with the Evil Ragweed, Mortal Enemy of anyone with sinus cavities and nasal passages. The Head Cold Of Death (that's also turned into an upper respiratory infection for a few people) that's been going around, well, we're about even. I'm feeling vulnerable with the allergies, but it hasn't beaten me yet. (Having said that, I do have a day off coming with lots of things to do, so I am not claiming victory yet. In such cases, modesty is the best course of action so as not to get bit in the ass while doing one's victory dance.)
Lastly, I was chatting about Naval Academy football with a customer today, and he told me two things. One was that, no matter whether they were favored, we should definitely go to an Army joint to watch the game in Stuttgart (my instincts are that if they're favored to lose, we should watch in a Navy joint, but we'll see). The other is that in 2012, the Academy v Notre Dame game is in Dublin. As in Ireland. As in, on the 1st of September, two of my favorite things (American football and the US Navy) will be in one of my favorite places (Ireland). I smell an excuse for a vacation. What a way to kick off (or wrap up, I suppose, so I could spend my birthday there again) a month in Ireland. If I can save a coupla bucks a day . . .