Jan 29, 2012 19:29
Things have gone a little overboard in my life. Not really shore whats going to happened right now.
It all started in august when out of nowhere my dad decided that he wanted a divorce. Everybody was in shock. There had been no hints or anything. Mom was devastated and tried to talk to him, to understand where this was coming from. But nothing. It was like he just had enough. Of his job, his marriage, his home. Of everything.
He had decided that he was going to go to Japan of all the places. We again asked him why and he yet again gave us no answer. Just that he wanted to. But that wasn't it. he asked ME to come with him. I was sceptic at first, I mean what would I do in Japan? However I did end up packing my things and within a week I was standing in a seven bedroom flat in the heart of Tokyo.
It was insane.
For the first two months none of us did anything. We shopped, went out to diner with some new found friends, chilled by the pool and went to the movies. We never talked.
As christmas came my mom contacted me and asked if I was joining them for christmas. I said no. Daddy didn't want to celebrate christmas. He always hated the season, almost as much as me. But as I was scared that my sister and her husband (or other relatives that knew where we lived) might turn up and force christmas upon us I suggested that we go on a trip. We quickly agreed on that and decided that we would book a flight the next day, that night however we ended up eating diner with two of our neighbors. One a 60 years old british woman and the other a 32 year old german man that worked as a economic consultant for some huge electronic company. Somewhere between the third and fourth bottle of wine we decided that it would be lovely if we all went together on a holiday. And of all the places in the world we decided that Malaysia sounds like a wonderful idea.
So thats how I ended up spending whole freaking december at a luxury hotel in Kuala Lumpur with dad and our crazy neighbors. But is was an interesting trip. I would not have traded it for the world.
I didn't return to Tokyo with my dad in 2012, instead i taught it was time for me to do something on my own. I was now shore that dad was fine, that he was not going crazy. He had just been restless. Tired of living the same old life as before. The asian lifestyle wasn't for me thou. I´m european through and through. So I taught I might try London.