Oh LJ friends list!

Nov 20, 2006 21:26

More people seriously need to come and join my rpg site! You don't have to rpg or do fanfiction. I even have it set up now, in honor of Ashley, of course, where I have a Parody RPG section, so you can goof around and type things like "I put my pointy hat and robe on," and pull a "Naked time!" whenever you want.

I also have more serious Harry Potter and Animorphs RPGs set up for people who actually want them. If you comment a request for, say, a World of Warcraft RPG, or an LOTR RPG section, I could totally do that. ; ) !

I also have a General discussion board, so you can just go on there to talk about shtuff. It's like Gaia, except without all the n00bs. Just close friends of mine, so far.

You should all seriously join! ^ ^ !

Mary Kaaaate! I could do a Dune or Riddick section if you like. :D!

Luuuuuuluuuuuu! I could make you a delicious Pride and Prejudice RPG...*bouncy eyebrows*

Come on! :( !

Georgia, I know YOU of all people enjoy RPG's and fanfiction...

Jeremy, come on. You like...erm...whatsit?...I don't even remember...bUT YOU DO!

Michael...I dunno...lol!

Pwease pwease, pwetty pwease join Fabi's message board! 
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