Oh, that was just me being a woman again! :D. I wasn't depressed!

Nov 12, 2006 11:12

Today I seem to have an affinity for music from the seventies and eighties. People like Sting and stuff... lol. Idk. Dad was playing Django Reinhardt on the radio earlier and I was seriously enjoying that too. Jazz is pretty gud. : ) . 
i'm in a pretty good mood now. I went joggeling. And lifted my weights a little. So i feel a bit healthy-er-ish now. ^ ^ .

Still a little sad. I miss my Steven. he is back at home now, and sickly. I'm sad I cannot visit him because I do not habs der license. Poor Sickly Steven. 
i feel like taking one of those online personality quizzes right now. And hobnobbing down to a CVS and buying hot pink hair dye. I knoweth not why.

I would have to bleach my hair vair much first before I could even consider doing such a thing. After all, if I didn't go the proper bleachy way about it, it would not be bubblegum pink, but like an orangey or a reddy fugly color. I would be Fugliana. Lol. 
Fugliana Loselfesteem. LOL! 
Liek seriosly! 
But yeah, cheesy eighties music is making me happy today.

LOL! Mom just "scared the shit" out of Thomas, by going in the kitchen, because he has his eighties music up REELY LOWD and Mom is vair quiet. Hee hee hee! He was like "BUHHH!" and Mom was like "Aaaaaeeehh!" For a second I thought he had hidden behind my parents bedroom door and jumped at her when she came out. (Hey, Tom can be a bit silly like that sometimes...just a little immature...), 'cause my Mom spends a lot of her time lately in her room studying and consequently has vair gud grades.

Har de har har. I love my family. ^ ^ .

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