Nov 11, 2006 20:20
Spent way too much time on Gaia today. Lol.
Attempted to do my exercises this morning though, so I don't feel too bad.
I don't even know if I'm a writer anymore. I mean, there are times when I get motivated, but I can't write right now. I just don't know about the story I was working on. I've lost all direction with it.
I'm sooooo bored. I'm thirsty too. I still have my Halloween decorations up in here.
I haven't written much in my personal diary lately either.
I need to make the modifications on my Darwin paper so I can turn it in and then I need to create some kind of a speech. I chose credit card debt for my problem-solution speech, 'cause I think that's a big problem in the U.S. so yeah. I'll be writing about that.
I feel so empty sometimes. Like I'm not a very original person at all. Like I just take everything from everybody and everywhere else.
I'm such a coward - always afraid to do the things I want to do. I just want to not be afraid of things anymore. I want to be able to do the things I wish and not be afraid to do them.
I want to really not care what people think and be happy with what I have, and do the things I want, and write about whatever I want, and not feel crummy for it.
Oh well. I guess I'll just keep going and trying to do all that.
I'm thirsty. I'm gonna go get something to drink and see if Mom and Dad are still awake and maybe I can chill with them and talk to them.