Feb 02, 2009 10:43
In my dream this morning, I was at a dinner just preceding a small wedding. The room was full of folks from the game industry; I recognized some people who worked at Looking Glass way back in the day. Because most people didn't know each other, we went around the room introducing ourselves.
When we got to Peggy, she said "/AFK"
"What?" I remember thinking. "She must be attending over the internet! Can you even do that? And she's probably gotten up to get tea or something." By now everyone was looking at her in confusion. Someone said, "I'm sorry, what was your name?"
I remember grinning and explaining that she'd been playing a lot of MMOs, and hoping she'd be back before anyone figured it out. How the heck was she even doing that? Then the alarm went off.
And on an important note, Happy Groundhog's Day, everyone! The best holiday of the year. Nineteen years ago today (apparently, back when we were both in grade school), I asked Peggy to marry me. And because the official groundhog saw his shadow this morning, we have at least six more weeks of marriage. Phew.